Creating an EXE Package

Packaging an application is easier with an EXE Package. Select the executable file (e.g. setup.exe) from the root. DSM ensures that the executable file and all other files in the directory will be packaged. DSM creates the required script for the installation (or uninstallation) and automatically copies the files to the Extern$ directory. Enter the required installation parameters in the wizard dialogs.

How to create an EXE package:

  1. Select the desired software folder in the Software Library.
  2. Choose the Create an Application Package>EXE Package task and then follow the wizard.
  3. Enter a package name.
  4. Select the executable file, e.g. a setup.exe.
    If you need additional files for the installation, select the option for packaging all files in the same directory and in the child directories.
  5. Specify the execution options in the Command line options.
  6. Use Timeout (in minutes) to specify the time the installation may take before the system issues the Failed message to the server.
    Click Continue.
  7. Select the Support Uninstallation option if you want to uninstall the application later.
  8. Enter the executable file, e.g. a UnInstall.exe, required parameters and Timeout for uninstall (in minutes) here, too.
    Click Continue and finish the packaging process.

Open the package in the Packaging Workbench to customize the script, if required.