
Find registry key


With this command, you can find the registry key where a specific value has been set. The use of a wildcard such as an asterisk (*) or question mark (?) is supported for String, DWORD, and Multi-string.


  • Start searching from this registry key:
    Enter the registry key under which you want to find the specified value.
  • Name:
    This can be the default value of the key or a name. Make sure that the name of the value you enter actually exists on the computer.
  • Default value
    Select this option to search for the default value in the registry.
  • Radio button
    Name of a value; 'test' in the example below.
  • Value:
    Search for a specific value. This is useful if there are several values.
  • Parent index:
    Zero-based index in reverse order. This index number determines how many registry keys are 'cut'.
    For example, if the parent index is 1 (as below) the parent folder is returned as result in the variable (in the example: F3). If you specify 0, the result would be F4.
  • Variable name:
    Name of the result variable without %.
  • Value type
    String, DWORD, and Multi-string (comma separated).
  • Save full path in the variable
    The full path is returned to the variable. In the example below, this would be HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RegSearchFolder\F1\F2\F3
  • Use 64 bit hive on x64 machines
    For reasons of compatibilty, Ivanti DSM maps file and registry access to the default storage location for 32 bit applications (provided that the storage location differs from that of 64-bit applications). File access: whenever a 32-bit application attempts to access %windir%\System32, the access is redirected to %windir%\SysWOW64. Registry commands: when accessing HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE the calls are redirected to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node. The x64-switch stops this redirection of file and registry accesses when running the script command on a x64 computer; the eScript command runs on the specified path. CallScript command: the script runs in a 64-bit process.
  • For more information on the other registry commands, please refer to the individual chapters, for example Get variable from registry or Extend the registry.