Locations and storage spaces

The Locations workspace enables you to create and manage locations that correspond to the different sites that your organization has, as well as the storage spaces where your assets are in stock. You can set up parent and child locations to create a hierarchy that groups locations geographically.

You need to create your locations and storage spaces here before using the Stock Management workspace to manage in-stock assets. For details about managing stock, see Stock management.

Asset Administrators and Asset Manager roles have access to the Locations workspace. Note that Storage Managers can add locations and storage spaces directly from the Stock Management workspace, but they don't have the ability to manage those locales from the Locations workspace.

To create a new location with a storage space

1.Open the Locations workspace and click New.

2.Enter a Name for the location. Asset Manager will fill in the Full Name field for you at the end of the creation process.

3. In the Parent Location field, create a new parent location, or click and select an existing one from the list.

4.Complete the other fields as needed. If necessary, Asset Administrators can add new countries to the Country drop-down via the Address Country workspace.

5.Complete the other associated tabs for this location:

Child Location – Click New to create a new child location for this location, or link to an existing one to create a hierarchy. A child location is not to be confused with a storage space.

Subnets – Associate a subnet with this location. Asset Manager uses this information to produce a report that identifies when discovered or imported assets aren't in the location you may have manually assigned them to via the Hardware Assets workspace. For details, see Missing assets.

Discovered Assets – Assets that data discovery has discovered at this location. Click Go to to open the asset record.

Storage Spaces – Create a new storage space for this location. Any storage spaces added here are also listed in the Stock Management workspace.

Storage Space Assets – Assets that are currently checked in to a storage space at this location. You can check in assets via the Stock Management workspace.

Asset Request Fulfillment Centers – Link to a storage space that has been designated as an asset fulfillment center for this location.

Fulfillment Assets – Assets that are currently available from the asset request fulfillment centers.

Audit History – Automatically tracks changes made to key attributes of this record.

6.Click Save.