Editing Information

The Information tab enables you to view and modify general information about the update.

  • Static update information: Displays general information about the update that cannot be changed.
  • More information URL: Specifies a URL you can go to that contains additional information about the update. This is a required field and must contain a valid URL.
  • Support URL: Specifies the URL address to use if you need assistance with this update. This is not a required field, but if a URL is specified it must use a valid URL syntax.
  • Severity: Enables you to assign one of five severity levels based on the perceived threat of the vulnerability related to the update.
  • Impact: This field has no effect on how the update is detected or installed; it is for information purposes only.
  • Reboot behavior:This field has no effect on how the update is detected or installed; it is for information purposes only.
  • Append user data to description during publish: If enabled, will add the user name and date to the description whenever an edited update is published.