Editing Prerequisites

The Prerequisites tab enables you to specify requirements that must be met in order for an update to be considered installable.

  • Available detectoids: A detectoid is a rule or prerequisite that determines if an update is installable. Multiple detectoids can be defined for an individual update. This list shows the detectoids that are available for selection. There are two types of detectoids: CPU architecture detectoids specify the computer architecture that is required, and OS Language detectoids specify the operating system language that is required on the target machine.
  • You can use the search box to quickly locate a specific detectoid in this list.

    Tip: When defining your prerequisites, first use the Add Group button to create your prerequisite groups and then use the Add Prerequisite button to add additional prerequisites to those groups.

  • Add Prerequisite: Adds the selected detectoid(s) to the Prerequisites list. The detectoid(s) will be added to the group that is currently selected in the Prerequisites list. If there are no existing groups, the detectoid(s) will added as a new group.
  • Remove Prerequisite: Removes the detectoid selected in the Prerequisites list.
  • Add Group: Adds the selected detectoid(s) as a new group in the Prerequisites list. Use the Add Prerequisite button to add additional detectoids to a group. In order for the prerequisites to be met, at least one of the detectoids in each group must be satisfied.
  • Remove Group:Removes the group selected in the Prerequisites list.