Aqua Security Connector Guide

Summary: How to set up the Aqua Security connector in Ivanti Neurons RBVM/ASOC/VULN KB.

Aqua Security’s Container Security Platform Overview

Aqua Security’s container security platform Aqua provides automated and manual scanning capabilities for container images stored on supported image registries. The Ivanti Neurons RBVM/ASOC/VULN KB platform supports creating an Aqua Security connector, which automatically pulls vulnerability data and metadata of container images scanned on Aqua’s platform for ingestion into Neurons RBVM/ASOC/VULN KB. Pulled Aqua data can be viewed on the Applications page.

Setting up Aqua Security Integrations

Scan data must exist in the Aqua platform for Ivanti Neurons to ingest it. Specifically, at least one registry integration must be made in Aqua and at least one image repository must be added and scanned.

Configuring a Registry Integration

Log into the Aqua platform.

AquaSec Guide - Login Screen

In the Aqua user interface (UI), navigate to System > Integrations.

AquaSec Guide - Integrations Menu Location

Once on the Integrations page, select Image Registries. Then, click Add Registry.

AquaSec Guide - Add Registry Button Location

Next, enter the Registry Name and select the Registry Type from the drop-down list. Fill out any additional details required as determined by the registry type.

AquaSec Guide - Create New Registry

After configuring all necessary details of the registry setup, click Test Connection to validate the provided credentials. If no errors are encountered, click Save to add the image registry to Aqua.

AquaSec Guide - Test Connection and Save

The configured registry should now appear in the list of registries on the System > Image Repositories page.

AquaSec Guide - New Registry

Pulling a Repository

Click Images in the UI sidebar.

AquaSec Guide - Images Menu Location

Click Add images to open a pop-up screen called Registry Search. Select one of the configured registries, enter a repository name, and click Search.

AquaSec Guide - Registry Search

Select one of the repositories on the left, then select the specific tags for the image repository. Click Add to add the images to Aqua.

AquaSec Guide - Add Image

Once the images are added, the registry shows up in the list view with all select tags underneath it. The UI indicates that the images were added successfully and that all the added tags have been queued to be scanned.

AquaSec Guide - Images Added Successfully

Configuring the Aqua Security Connector in Neurons RBVM/ASOC/VULN KB

While logged into the Neurons RBVM/ASOC/VULN KB platform, navigate to Automate > Integrations.

Navigation - Automation - Integrations

Using the search bar in the upper-right corner of the Integrations page, type Aqua to find the connector.

AquaSec Guide - Searching for Connector

Locate the Aqua Security card on the page and click Configuration.

AquaSec Guide - Configuration Button Location

Enter the URL for the Aqua instance, credentials for the API-privileged user, and choose an existing network for the Aqua data to be associated with in the Ivanti Neurons platform. Click Test Credentials to verify the credentials are correct and have access to make API calls to the Aqua Security instance.

AquaSec Guide - Connector Setup

Configure the desired schedule for the connector to retrieve results from the Aqua instance, optionally turn on Enable auto URBA (Update Remediation by Assessment) and click Save to create the connector.

AquaSec Guide - Connector Specific Options

As soon as the connector is created, it will begin pulling data from the Aqua Security platform. The connector’s card will also show the next scheduled time and date results will be fetched from Aqua.

AquaSec Guide - Configured Connector

Aqua Security Data Mapping in Neurons RBVM/ASOC/VULN KB

Container image scan data retrieved from Aqua is stored in Neurons RBVM/ASOC/VULN KB using the Application and Application Finding models. The primary metadata and identifier of a container image and its vulnerability data were used to represent applications and findings in the platform.

AquaSec Guide - Data Mapping in RiskSense

Application Findings Page

Container image findings are identified using the image’s metadata (as described above). In addition, all vulnerabilities reported by Aqua are with respect to a resource (such as an executable or a binary) that is part of the image and is known to be vulnerable. Data about a finding’s vulnerable resource can be found in the Container Resource Information section of a container finding’s detail pane.

CVE data is frequently given as it pertains to a container image vulnerability. CVE and other vulnerability data can now be found in the Application Finding Detail pane under the Vulnerability section. Neurons RBVM/ASOC/VULN KB uses CVE data to provide users with information about associated threats. Threat data is now also displayed in a container finding’s detail pane.

AquaSec Guide - Application Findings Page Detail

AquaSec Guide - Application Findings Page Detail 2

Neurons RBVM/ASOC/VULN KB Mapping of AquaSec Data



Aqua Field



Registry Name + Repository + Tag


Repository + Tag


Vulnerable Resource Identifier

Application Findings






Aqua Score


Fix Version, Solution



Resource Detail


Resource Name


Resource Path


Resource Type


Resource CPE


Resource Version


Resource Hash



