End-of-Life (EOL) Communication - Q4 2022 EOL Widgets

Summary: Notification of end-of-life (EOL) widgets in Q4 2022.

Sometime in Q4, we will remove some duplicate widgets from the platform. Each widget has an alert icon on it. If you hover over the icon, you will see the message, “This widget will no longer be available some time during Q4 2022. Please contact support for more information.”

EOL widget warning.

(Note that some widgets slated for EOL also have the same icon. However, this notification describes the widgets that specifically mention Q4 2022 in the mouseover.)

Within the Dashboards section, you can also view the widgets by opening the widget library and selecting the Q4 2022 EOL category. Each widget on this EOL list also has the acronym “EOL” at the beginning of its description.

Q4 EOL widget category.

Most widgets on the Q4 2022 EOL list are KPIs on the Prioritization and SLA dashboards. Like KPIs on the Executive Dashboard, new versions of the KPIs will be configurable. The new KPIs may have configurations for asset type or time. Additionally, most of the KPIs have click throughs to the asset or finding pages when they show one type of asset data (host or app).

This list also includes the widget Top 50 High-Impact Unique Findings. We plan to add a new version of the scatterplot screen available with this widget. The Executive Dashboard already has the table version of this widget.

If you have any questions about this upcoming change, contact your Customer Success manager or send a message to [email protected].

EOL Widget Replacement
Open weaponized findings EOL widget. Weaponized findings replacement widget.
Closed weaponized findings EOL widget. Recently ingested weaponized findings replacement widget.
Recently ingested weaponized findings EOL widget. Recently ingested weaponized findings replacement widget.
EOL Widget 4. Replacement Widget 4.
EOL Widget 5. Replacement 5.
EOL 6. Replacement 6.
EOL 7 Replacement 7
EOL 8 Replacement 8
EOL 9 Replacement 9.
EOL 10. Replacement 10.
EOL 11. Replacement 11
EOL12. Replacement 12.