Project Tags: Overview

Summary: High-level overview of project tags in Ivanti Neurons.

Project tags are a special type of tag. Use project tags to create a framework and timeline around remediation and users assigned to the findings. When creating tags, project tags require more information than the other types of tags.

Additional information about project tag fields is provided below.

Create Project Tag - Create Tag Window

  • Tag Type: Selecting the PROJECT tag type adds additional fields to complete.

  • Name: Tag name or project name.

  • Description: Optional tag/project description.

  • Owner: Generally, the user that created the tag, but others can be added or removed. Type in a user name, and when you see the user to add in the drop-down list, click their name. To remove a user, click the X next to their name.

  • Priority: Project priority. Can be a value from one to five, with one being a low priority and five being a high priority.

  • Start Date: Project start date.

  • End Date: Project end date.

  • Color: Assign a color to the tag for easy identification.

  • Locked: Tags can be locked so that no one else can edit their settings (checked) or unlocked (unchecked), allowing anyone to edit.

  • Propagate Asset Tag to All Findings: When applying tags to assets, checking this box ensures that all findings on that asset are also tagged. When applying tags to assets, unchecking this box propagate tags exclusively to assets.

  • PCI Flag for Project Tags: To allow users to better manage PCI-related assets, users can apply a PCI Flag to a project tag. The flag is designed to assess all assets it is applied to on a nightly basis and apply it automatically to the findings that appear in the first valid vulnerability scan for the assets (as defined by the "Start Date" and "Due Date" properties of the tag). To ensure data integrity, the tag will also auto-lock one day after the "Due Date" passes. There is an option for the owner(s) of the tag to manually unlock it. Users can also manually add the tag to any findings without altering its functionality as described above. The flag can also be applied to projects with past and future values for "Start Date" and "Due Date."