User Widgets: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Summary: A list of common questions about user widgets.

What pages let me create user widgets?

You can create a widget based on the following pages in the Ivanti Neurons RBVM/ASOC/VULN KB platform:

  • Host Findings

  • Application Findings

  • Hosts

  • Applications

  • Groups

  • Patches

I must change my list view settings to create a new widget. Is there any way to save my old settings?

Pages that support user widgets let users make temporary changes to their settings (such as column order and page sort) and revert unsaved changes. For more information, visit the article on saving list view settings.

Can I edit my widget?

Yes. You can edit a widget as long as the widget contains host, host finding, application, application finding, or group data. Widgets based on the Patches page lack this feature because the Patches page still follows the list view v1 format. For more information, visit Editing User Widgets.

Why does this cell not have a clickable link like it does on the original page?

This happens in two cases:

  1. User widgets support links that apply filters to a page view. They do not support filters that open the Detail pane. 

  2. If the widget is based on a Group By, the column link may filter a page by a list of IDs. These columns can only support filters that contain up to 5000 IDs.

Do dashboard Tag, Network, or Group filters work on user widgets? 

No. You can apply any of these filters when you create the widget.

Can I resize the widget columns?  

No. You can resize the widget horizontally if you need to give space to each column.  

Can I resize the widget vertically?

No, you can only resize the widget horizontally.

How many rows can a widget have?

A widget can show a minimum of 5 rows and a maximum of 20.

What happens if I unshare or delete a widget?  

If you unshare a widget, the widget will no longer be visible on other users' shared dashboards. Each dashboard will instead show a blank widget with the message “This widget is no longer available.” The system handles deleted widgets the same way by replacing each instance with a placeholder.

What are best practices for creating user widgets? 

  1. Limit the number of columns in a table widget.  

If a widget has up to 7 columns, you can fit up to 2 widgets on the dashboard. If a widget has over 7 columns, it automatically will take up 100% dashboard width by default. If a widget has more columns than it can fit, you can also scroll through the contents horizontally.  

If you include fewer columns, you may also improve load times for the widget. 

  1. Use filters when designing a widget with a Group By and a sort. 

If you apply any sort other than the Group By column (in ascending order) to the page view, the system has to compute the top number of items from the entire list of results. Widgets based on Group By views may load faster if the system has to sort through fewer results.  

  1. When creating a widget, add additional widget categories.

If you want other users to have an easier time finding your widget, pick additional widget categories that highlight the widget content.