Version 14.15.00 Release Notes

Summary: A high-level overview of the changes/updates included in Ivanti Neurons Version 14.15.00, released on May 31, 2024.

The platform version 14.15.00 update includes the following features and enhancements:

For assistance with using our new features, receiving feature documentation, and/or scheduling training, please contact your Customer Success account manager directly or contact Ivanti support.


Tenable Security Center added Asset details - The newer beta version of Tenable Security Center integration has been updated to include a new endpoint, which contains more host details as seen in the IP Summary report. Beta testers using this connector will see this new data populated on hosts recently scanned, and can trigger a full sync job to pull all available data if desired. The following list of new host details will be ingested:

  • Nessus Device Type
  • Nessus Device Capability
  • Nessus Internet Exposure
  • Nessus Asset Exposure Score
  • Nessus Asset Score
  • Nessus ACR Score
  • Nessus McAfee GUID
  • Nessus TPM ID
  • Nessus Bios GUID
  • Nessus Scan Plugin Set
  • Nessus Scan Policy Name
  • Last Credentialed Scan
  • Nessus FQDNs
  • Nessus Mac Addresses
  • Nessus NetBIOS Names
  • Nessus Repository Data Format
  • Nessus Operating Systems

Tenable Security Center Policy Compliance findings - The beta integration for Tenable Security Center has also been updated to include a new option to ingest the Policy Compliance findings. This new option will give users the flexibility to set up a separate connection to pull the Policy Compliance data into a separate network from the vulnerabilities, or add to the existing connector to ingest into the same network. Beta testers using this connector will need to opt-in in order to begin ingestion of these findings. The following list of new finding details will be ingested:

  • Audit File
  • Check Info
  • Check Name
  • Benchmark Name
  • Benchmark Version
  • Control ID
  • Full ID
  • Functional ID
  • Informational ID
  • See Also

Tenable Vulnerability Management Policy Compliance findings - The existing integration for Tenable Vulnerability Management (formerly IO) has been updated to include a new option to ingest the Policy Compliance findings. This new option will give users the flexibility to set up a separate connection to pull the Policy Compliance data into a separate network from the vulnerabilities, or add to the existing connector to ingest into the same network. Customers who have an active integration for Tenable Vulnerability Management will need to opt-in in order to begin ingestion of these findings. These findings will also populate the new list of Nessus Policy Compliance fields as listed above for Security Center, but also:

  • Agent Name
  • Agent UUID
  • Metadata ID
  • Finding State
  • System type

Synopsys Coverity - A new integration card will now be available for all customers who want to ingest Synopsys Coverity SAST scan results. This integration joins our family of Synopsys integrations that include Blackduck and WhiteHat Dynamic.


Notification for Workflow Expiration - Users can now sign up to be notified when workflows expire. The system can send a notice for the expired workflow in platform, email, MS Teams, or Slack delivery channels. The notification can be triggered upon the expiration date and/or a defined number of days prior. Depending on the configuration, a notification can be immediately sent for each, or in a roll-up report daily, weekly, or monthly to ensure that teams can monitor the status of these workflows.

Miscellaneous Changes

  • References to “RiskSense” to have been removed from the connector cards.
  • The Groups detail pane now indicates whether an unresolved PoE caps the host or application RS3 score.
  • Users will be required to accept the Ivanti End User License And Services Agreement (EULSA) upon initial login.
  • The Basic User role now allows users to view the full content of an unrestricted finding article and download the attachments.

Fixed Issues

  • Prisma Cloud findings will correctly reflect the Last Discovered On date.
  • An issue with job failures related to Remediation SLA Due Date has been resolved.
  • The platform will now successfully ingest all Wiz assets.
  • The platform will no longer incorrectly show uploads as having the “Operation Partially Completed” status.
  • Users should now see the correct count of assets impacted in the Trending section of the Weaponization funnel when they filter on specific Groups.
  • Users will see improved performance when generating large exports.
  • If the user selects findings before creating a new finding article, the platform will now show the correct number of selected findings in the Create Finding Article dialogue.