Version 14.16.00 Release Notes

Summary: A high-level overview of the changes/updates included in Ivanti Neurons Version 14.16.00, released on June 14, 2024.

The platform version 14.16.00 update includes the following features and enhancements:

For assistance with using our new features, receiving feature documentation, and/or scheduling training, please contact your Customer Success account manager directly or contact Ivanti support.

List View Enhancements

Bulk Tag Edit - Users can now modify both the “lock” field and “owners” of more than one tag at a time. The new menu shows up if the user selects one or more tags before opening the “Edit” dialogue on the Tags page.

More Visibility for Assessments Scheduled for Deletion - The Assessments list view and detail pane will now indicate that an empty assessment will be deleted 15 days after its creation date. Users will also see a warning within the “Create Assessment” dialogue about the assessment clean up job.

More Detail in Finding Article Menu - The Finding Article menu will now show more information for finding articles, including the created date, the last updated date, the last user to make an update, and the article’s current classification level. However, users can only search articles by title.

Support for Configurable Exports in Auto-Ticketing - All new auto-ticketing configurations will inherit ticketing attachment templates from the connector. If the connector has no configurable export template configured, the auto-ticketing configuration will fall back to the default ticketing attachment template. After an auto-ticketing configuration is created, changes to the parent connector have no impact on the ticketing attachments issued for that finding collection.


Tenable SC Uniqueness - For v2 of the Tenable SC connector, the platform will refer to the “vulnuniqueness” field first when determining the uniqueness of a finding.

EOL of HCL Integrations - Users will no longer be able to create new instances of the HCL AppScan Enterprise or HCL AppScan on Cloud connectors.

Workflow Enhancements

Approved Workflow Expiration Notification - This notification sends updates for approved workflows that will expire soon or that have recently expired. As approved workflows can impact the score or the status of a finding, users may want notice of an expiration event before it impacts the organization’s metrics. In contrast, the previously released Workflow Expiration notification sends upcoming expiration alerts for any workflow in the Requested, Reworked, and Approved states.

Miscellaneous Changes

  • From this release, only users with the Administrator role will be shown the EULA if they have a non-Ivanti email address. Only one user needs to accept the new EULA per client. However, clients that have already accepted the EULA will need to accept it again.
  • The API will now send an error message immediately if the user tries to update a locked assessment.
  • The following rules now govern playbooks:
    • A client supports up to 50 active playbooks and 50 rules per playbook.
    • A client can have up to 100 total playbooks.
    • All active playbooks can have up to 500 rules combined.

Fixed Issues

  • Individual metrics in the Current Group Performance widget will filter list views correctly when clicked.
  • Tenable SC v2 assets and their findings will now be successfully identified and ingested even if the scans do not provide MAC address for the assets.
  • The platform will no longer automatically delete assessments that only contain manually created findings.
  • Data ingestion will no longer fail for the or Crowdstrike Falcon Spotlight connectors.
  • The filters “Asset First Discovered On”, “Asset Last Discovered On”, “Asset First Ingested On”, and “Asset Last Ingested On” on the Host Findings and Application Findings pages will now suggest potential matches for users as they type.
  • An issue was resolved that caused discrepancies in the results for different versions of the Qualys Vulnerability & Qualys PC connectors.
  • The Users page will correctly zoom in and out without throwing an error.
  • Auto-ticketing will create single jobs for publishing external ticket information and ticketing attachments instead of creating multiple jobs for each finding.
  • The filter “Expires Soon (Next 14 Days)” on the Workflows page will accurately identify workflows expiring in the near future.
  • The platform will no longer create duplicate ticketing attachments for an auto-ticketing configuration based on a Group By.
  • The Finding Article menu will now correctly render when a client has existing finding articles created by deleted users.

Known Issues

  • In Teams and Slack, the Approved Workflow Expiration notifications do not distinguish between Upcoming Expiration and Recently Expired events. However, both the notification time and the workflow expiration date will be provided in the alert.