Version 14.34.00 Release Notes

Summary: A high-level overview of the changes/updates included in Ivanti Neurons for RBVM, ASPM, and Vulnerability KB version 14.34.00, released on March 10, 2025.

Release version 14.34.00 of Ivanti Neurons for RBVM, ASPM, and Vulnerability KB includes the following:

For assistance with using our new features, receiving feature documentation, and/or scheduling training, please contact support through the Ivanti Success Portal.


  • New field for Tenable Vulnerability Management - The “NESSUS Last Fixed At” field will capture the Tenable Vulnerability Management “last_fixed” date.

  • Archived Wiz application assets - Wiz application assets not seen in 30 days will be marked as “system-archived”.

  • EOL of the legacy Tenable Security Center connector - On March 7, 2025, only clients that have an existing legacy Tenable Security Center connector will be able to create a new connector of this type. Clients without an existing connector will no longer be able to view the connector card or create a new legacy connector.

Automation Updates

  • Automated Severity Change Workflow - Users can now create an automated severity change workflow.

Known Issues

  • Due to time differences between a user’s local time and the system UTC time, users may be able to duplicate an active existing automated workflow in the brief window before it expires.

  • If a given job adds more than 100,000 findings to an automated workflow, the system disables workflow automation instead of adding findings up to the 100,000 finding limit. (Automated workflows can only map up to 100,000 findings at a time).

  • Columns in the “Group SLAs by Due Dates” widget may currently be using the wrong operator to show findings overdue more than a certain number of days.

Fixed Issues

  • Crowdstrike Falcon Spotlight and Microsoft Defender assets will not be marked as “RiskSense-archived” or “system-archived” if seen in the last 30 days.