Identity Director Administration Guide


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Allow services to be delivered multiple times to the same subscriber

In the Management Portal at Entitlement Catalog, use the Properties tab of the service page to configure the behavior and availability of a service. Use the Allow multiple service deliveries field on the Properties tab to allow a service to be delivered multiple times to the same subscriber. This allows users to continue their work and request the service again with new data: they do not have to wait on dependencies in the workflow of the previous service delivery. This is useful if a service is delivered frequently because it performs a common task (e.g. place an order or onboard a user).


In a service that places an order, the order may need to be approved by a manager if it exceeds a certain amount of money. Similarly, in a service that onboards a new employee, this may need to be approved by HR. This may lead to delays if this person is unavailable: Until the transaction is approved, it remains "pending" and you cannot place a new order or onboard a new employee. But if the service can be delivered multiple times, you do not have to wait until it has been delivered before you can request it again; you can do this immediately and with new data.



Explanation and Tips

Maximum number of service deliveries

Specify the maximum number of service deliveries to a subscriber (1-999).

  • On the Diagnostics tab of the service page, you can view the subscriber to each delivery and its delivery number.
  • At People, you can watch a similar view on the Diagnostics tab of the configuration page for the subscriber.
  • At Transactions, you can view the details of individual service transactions.
  • In the Web Portal, each multiple-delivery service shows its delivery number and its maximum. This is shown in My Store, Delegated Administration and on the details page of the service.
    • The Deliveries tab on the details page shows the details of each delivery.
    • You can request services until the maximum number of deliveries is reached.
    • Multiple deliveries do not impact services that are limited to a maximum number of subscribers: subscribers can subscribe to a service only once, after which they can request it again until its maximum number of deliveries is reached.
    • In the delegated administration panels, users can return multiple services deliveries for multiple users at once.

Effects on other configuration


Explanation and Tips

Service attributes

  • Service attributes of multiple-delivery services can no longer be referenced by attributes of other services or by people identifiers. Existing references to this service no longer resolve.

Delivery trigger (multiple-delivery services only)

  • Select When people qualify (auto provisioning) to deliver the service to qualified people who do not yet subscribe.
  • Select When one of the following person attributes of a qualified person has changed to deliver the service to people if one of their specified people attribute changes (unless the maximum number of service deliveries has been reached).
  • Select When subscribers still qualify after organizational change (reprovisioning) to deliver the service to subscribers again if their classifications change. Its service transaction will use the same delivery number as the deprovision/unassign transaction.

Return trigger (multiple-delivery services only)

  • Select When subscribers no longer qualify (auto deprovisioning) to return all service deliveries when a subscriber no longer qualifies.
  • Select As soon as service has been delivered (auto deprovisioning) to return the service immediately after it has been delivered. Its service transaction will use the same delivery number as the provisioning transaction.

Set Service Attribute

  • In a Set Service Attribute action, you can no longer refer to attributes of multiple-delivery services. If you used such references in existing services, their service transactions fail.

Limit number of subscribers

  • In a Limit number of subscribers action for a multiple-delivery service, the service is not limited by the number of service deliveries, but by its subscribers. For example, if you limit the service to 3 subscribers, they may still be allowed to have 10 service deliveries.

Request another service

  • In a Request another service action, if you refer to a multiple-delivery service, a new service delivery is delivered to a subscriber, unless the maximum number of deliveries has been reached.

Cancel another service

  • In a Cancel another service action, if you refer to a multiple-delivery service, all deliveries of this service are returned. If you select Wait for return workflow to finish, the action waits for all return transactions to finish.