Identity Director Administration Guide


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Configure checklist service attributes

In the Management Portal at Entitlement Catalog, on the Attributes tab of the service page, configure checklist attributes to store a list for multiple value selections. Users can then select one or more values from the list when requested.


  • Re-validation: With checklist attributes, you can automate the process of periodic re-validation of membership of a security group. If you use a checklist attribute in e.g. a Provide Information action, you can ensure that users provide confirmation of their need for a membership.
  • Selection of items: With checklist attributes, users can select software or other items to be added to a service. For example, you can configure a service that installs applications, based on the selection of the user. A typical scenario is the Microsoft Office suite.



Explanation and Tips

Manual input

Specify values manually.

  • In the Label field, specify a user-friendly name for each value. This is shown to the user in a Provide Information action. For example, if you use the attribute in a service that installs the Microsoft Office suite, use the Label field to specify Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Visio.
    • You can use placeholders to specify labels and values. This allows you to configure services that dynamically resolve the labels and values of checklist service attributes. For example, you can now use a person attribute as a label in a checklist service attribute. During the service transaction, this person attribute then resolves dynamically depending on the person that requests or subscribes to the service. This allows you to use personalized options in the checklist.
    • If you use placeholders to specify labels, they need to resolve in unique labels. If multiple placeholders resolve in the same label, only one label will be added to the list.
    • Click the arrows to change the order in which the labels are shown. For example, to create a list in which the most common option is shown first.
  • In the Value field, specify the (optional) value that corresponds to the Label field. For example, this makes it easier to configure conditions: instead of specifying Microsoft Word in the condition, just specify its value, A.
  • In the Initial State field, specify the initial state of the value when the attribute is used: selected is True, cleared is False. In the Web Portal, this is shown as a check box, after which users can then make their selection. For example, this allows users to specify that they want to install Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Outlook, but not Microsoft Visio.

Copy from global attribute

Base the values on a text or table global attribute.

  • If you copy from a text attribute, the format of its value should be Label;Value|Label;Value|... or Label;Value;State|Label;Value;State|...
  • If you copy from a table attribute, the table should consist of two columns (Col 1 = Label, Col 2 = Value) or three columns (Col 1 = Label, Col 2 = Value, Col 3 = State)
  • If you include the third column (State), Identity Director takes the value from this and converts all the characters to lowercase. If the result of this matches the value “true”, then the state of the checklist is true; otherwise, the state is false.
  • The initial values are the values of the global attribute.
  • The Preview contents area shows a read-only view of the values of the global attribute.
    A warning message is shown if the format of the global attribute is incorrect.
    • a table attribute with either too few (1) or too many columns (4 or more)
    • a text attribute with incorrect separators: A1,B1|A2,B2 instead of A1;B1|A2;B2
    • a text attribute with incorrectly placed separators: A1|A2|A3 (=1 column) or A1;B1;C1;D1|A2;B2;C2;D2 (=4 columns)
  • When you copy the values of a global attribute, duplicate values may occur. For example, if the global attribute has a value Label1;Value1|Label1;Value2, the Preview contents area will show duplicate values. Because you may have set these duplicate values intentionally, Identity Director does not validate the values that are copied from the global attribute.

    During the transaction, only the first instance is used and duplicates are ignored. As a result, if you store the end state of the service attribute, for example using the Set Global Attributes action, duplicate values are not included.

Copy from people attribute

Base the values on a text or table people attribute.
Conditions and limitations are identical to Copy from global attribute (described above), with the following exceptions:

  • The Preview contents area cannot give a preview, because the actor is not yet known.
  • The warning message for incorrect format is limited to either too few (1) or too many columns (4 or more) in a table people attribute.

    During the transaction, a people attribute may still turn out to be formatted incorrectly: it is the first time the data in the attribute can be evaluated.

At least one option must be selected after workflow input from actor

Force a mandatory input for at least one option.


You can map checklist service attributes to attributes of other types:

  • In a Compare Attributes action, you can compare the values of a checklist service attribute to the value of other service attributes or a manual value.
  • In a Set Service Attribute action, you can set the values of a checklist service attribute with a text service attribute or a manual value, or vice versa. You can also use this action to add new values.
  • In a Person Attributes and Identifiers action, you can set the values of text person attributes with a checklist service attribute.
  • In an Invoke Run Book action, you can map a checklist service attribute to a multi-select list parameter or a text parameter in an Ivanti Automation Run Book. This allows you to set the values of these parameters in Ivanti Automation, but also retrieve their values.

These actions fail if the format of the checklist service attribute is not matched. For example, suppose you have configured a checklist service attribute Microsoft Office with the following settings:




Microsoft Word



Microsoft Excel



Microsoft Outlook



Microsoft Visio



When you map the checklist attribute to other service attributes or Ivanti Automation parameters, the value of these items has to match the format label;value;state|.


When you insert checklist service attribute as a placeholder in actions, use the following options to retrieve any of its values:





Resolve all values of the attribute, including all labels, values and initial states.

#Service[Microsoft Office.all] results in "Microsoft Word;A;False|Microsoft Excel;B;True|Microsoft Outlook;C;False|Microsoft Visio;D;True".


Resolve all labels of the attribute.

#Service[Microsoft Office.labels.all] results in "Microsoft Word;Microsoft Excel;Microsoft Outlook;Microsoft Visio".


Resolve all selected labels of the attribute.

#Service[Microsoft Office.labels.selected] results in "Microsoft Excel;Microsoft Visio".


Resolve the value of the specified label of the attribute.

#Service[Microsoft Office.Microsoft Excel.value] results in "B".


Resolve the state of the specified label of the attribute. The state always resolves in lower-case letters.

#Service[Microsoft Office.Microsoft Excel.state] results in "true".


Resolve all values of the attribute.

#Service[Microsoft Office.values.all] results in "A;B;C;D".


Resolve all selected values of the attribute.

#Service[Microsoft Office.values.selected] results in "B;D".


Resolve the description of the attribute.

"This is the attribute that stores the selection of the actor".

See also