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Bugs Fixed

The following issues were resolved in this release:

Problem ID Title


The database configuration fields in the Identity Director Management Portal Setup page are empty and cannot be configured.
Knowledge-base article


When assigning and unassigning services in the Management Portal API with only Identity Licenses, the job fails with the following error: Error for service <GUID> and person <GUID>: FeatureNotAvailable.
Knowledge-base article


When adding a new Invoke Run Book workflow action in a duplicate service, the parameters settings are not saved.
Knowledge-base article


Filtering on table service attributes fails if the result of the placeholder in the VALUE field contains special characters such as & and ].
Knowledge-base article


Services using Invoke Run Book workflow actions to start PowerShell tasks result in the workflow stopping if the output parameters are empty.
Knowledge-base article


When using conditions in the Pages of a Provide Information workflow action, the conditions to skip or show the pages randomly stop working with the following error: Error: ProvideInfoPageCondition.evaluate Uncaught TypeError : Cannot read properties of null (reading 'toLowerCase').
Knowledge-base article


Provide Information workflow actions get stuck when Dynamic Attributes are required and secondary attributes are mandatory.
Knowledge-base article


When using a Person List attribute containing a smart rule, and that attribute is used in a Provide Information workflow action, it resolves in a summary field not being filled with the chosen value.
Knowledge-base article


Conditions used in the Pages of Provide Information workflow actions break at random points while editing services.
Knowledge-base article

For a list of the bugs fixed in previous versions and more, please refer to the Previous Versions of Identity Director 2022 page.