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Configure a filter in data sources

In the Setup and Sync Tool at Data Model > Data Sources, configure Data Sources. Optionally, you can filter out irrelevant data from a data source. You can set up filters on the Filter tab of a data source.


Item Explanation and Tips
Column Specify the column in the external data source to which you want to apply the filter.
Operator Specify how to compare values. See below for an overview.
Value Specify the value on which you want to filter. Expressions in a filter are evaluated based on a text comparison with the data in the external data source.
OR and arrow buttons If you specify multiple expressions, ALL expressions apply by default. Click OR and the arrows to create groups of expressions.

List of available operators

Operator Stands for
> Is greater than
>= Is greater than or equals
< Is less than
<= Is less than or equals
= Equals
<> Is different than
LIKE Is like. This operator matches a given pattern. Use this operator if the value in the conditional expression contains a wildcard. This ensures that the wildcard is interpreted as such. With other operators, the value is interpreted literally.
NOT LIKE Is not like. This operator does not match the given pattern. Use this operator if the value in the conditional expression contains a wildcard. This ensures that the wildcard is interpreted as such.