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Overview of placeholders and functions
A placeholder is a variable that will be resolved during the service transaction. Placeholders are available for many different values, for example requester, subscriber, (properties of) attributes etc. A button labelled </> indicates that a field supports the use of placeholders.
Placeholder |
Type |
Sub item |
Sub item |
Result |
Service |
Name of service |
#Service[Name] |
Nr of Subscribers |
#Service[NrSubscribers] |
Nr ofSubscriptions |
#Service[NrSubscriptions] |
Workflow Trigger |
Name |
#Service[WorkflowTrigger.Name] |
Value |
#Service[WorkflowTrigger.Value] |
Service Attributes |
All attributes |
Description of attribute |
#Service[<AttrName>.Description] |
Text |
Value |
#Service[<AttrName>.Value] |
Password |
Encrypted value |
#Service[<AttrName>.Encrypted] |
ClearText value |
#Service[<AttrName>.ClearText] |
Table |
Full table |
#Service[<AttrName>.FullTable] |
Current row |
Full row |
#Service[<AttrName>.CurrentRow.FullRow] |
Column 1 |
#Service[<AttrName>.CurrentRow.<ColName1>] |
Column 2 |
#Service[<AttrName>.CurrentRow.<ColName2>] |
Entire column |
Column 1 |
#Service[<AttrName>.EntireColumn.<ColName1>] |
Column 2 |
#Service[<AttrName>.EntireColumn.<ColName2>] |
Number of rows |
#Service[<AttrName>.Number of rows] |
List |
Value |
#Service[<AttrName>.Value] |
Description of value |
#Service[<AttrName>.ValueDescription] |
Organization |
Key |
#Service[<AttrName>.Key] |
Name |
#Service[<AttrName>.Name] |
ContextKey |
#Service[<AttrName>.ContextKey] |
Path |
#Service[<AttrName>.Path] |
Date |
Value |
#Service[<AttrName>] |
LocalFormat |
#Service[<AttrName>.LocalFormat] |
DateTime |
#Service[<AttrName>] |
Local |
#Service[<AttrName>.Localtime] |
Checklist |
All items |
#Service[<AttrName>.all] |
Labels |
All |
#Service[<AttrName>.labels.all] |
Selected |
#Service[<AttrName>.labels.selected] |
Label name |
Value |
#Service[<AttrName>.<LabelName>.value] |
State |
#Service[<AttrName>.<LabelName>.state] |
Values |
All |
#Service[<AttrName>.values.all] |
Selected |
#Service[<AttrName>.values.selected] |
File | Download link |
#Service[<AttrName>.DownloadLink] |
Filename |
#Service[<AttrName>.Filename] |
Filesize |
#Service[<AttrName>.Filesize] |
Anonymous download link |
#Service[<AttrName>.AnonymousDownloadLink] |
Person | Name |
#Service[Person:<AttrName>.Name] |
Text People Attribute of person |
Value |
#Service[Person:<AttrName>.<PeopleAttrName>.Value] |
Description |
#Service[Person:<AttrName>.<PeopleAttrName>.Description] |
Password People Attribute of person |
Encrypted |
#Service[Person:<AttrName>.<PeopleAttrName>.Encrypted] |
Clear Text |
#Service[Person:<AttrName>.<PeopleAttrName>.ClearText] |
Description |
#Service[Person:<AttrName>.<PeopleAttrName>.Description] |
Table People Attribute of person |
Full table |
#Service[Person:<AttrName>.<PeopleAttrName>.FullTable] |
Current row full |
#Service[Person:<AttrName>.<PeopleAttrName>.CurrentRow.FullRow] |
Current row Col 1 |
#Service[Person:<AttrName>.<PeopleAttrName>.CurrentRow.<ColName1>] |
Current row Col 2 |
#Service[Person:<AttrName>.<PeopleAttrName>.CurrentRow.<ColName2>] |
Entire Column 1 |
#Service[Person:<AttrName>.<PeopleAttrName>.EntireColumn.<ColName1>] |
Entire Column 2 |
#Service[Person:<AttrName>.<PeopleAttrName>.EntireColumn.<ColName2>] |
Number of rows |
#Service[Person:<AttrName>.<PeopleAttrName>.Number of rows] |
Description |
#Service[Person:<AttrName>.<PeopleAttrName>.Description] |
Subscriber attribute | Name of Subscriber |
#Subscriber[Name] |
People identifier |
Value of Identifier |
#Subscriber[Identifier.<IdentifierName>.Value] |
All people attributes |
Description of attribute |
#Subscriber[<AttrName>.Description] |
People attribute Text |
#Subscriber[<AttrName>] |
People attribute Password | Encrypted value |
#Subscriber[<AttrName>.Encrypted] |
ClearText value |
#Subscriber[<AttrName>.ClearText] |
People attribute Table | Full table |
#Subscriber[<AttrName>.FullTable] |
Current row |
Full row |
#Subscriber[<AttrName>.CurrentRow.FullRow] |
Column 1 |
#Subscriber[<AttrName>.CurrentRow.<ColName1>] |
Column 2 |
#Subscriber[<AttrName>.CurrentRow.<ColName2>] |
Entire column |
Column 1 |
#Subscriber[<AttrName>.EntireColumn.<ColName1>] |
Column 2 |
#Subscriber[<AttrName>.EntireColumn.<ColName2>] |
Number of rows |
#Subscriber[<AttrName>.Number of rows] |
People attribute List |
Value |
#Subscriber[<AttrName>.Value] |
Organizational attribute 1 of Organizational Context 1 |
#Subscriber.<OrgContextName>[<OrgAttr1Name>] |
Organizational attribute 2 of Organizational Context 1 |
#Subscriber.<OrgContextName>[<OrgAttr2Name>] |
Requester attribute | Name of Requester |
#Requester[Name] |
People identifier |
Name of Identifier |
#Requester[Identifier.<IdentifierName>.Value] |
Device Name |
#Requester[DeviceName] |
Device ID |
#Requester[DeviceID] |
All people attributes |
Description of attribute |
#Requester[<AttrName>.Description] |
People attribute Text |
#Requester[<AttrName>] |
People attribute Password | Encrypted value |
#Requester[<AttrName>.Encrypted] |
ClearText value |
#Requester[<AttrName>.ClearText] |
People attribute Table | Full table |
#Requester[<AttrName>.FullTable] |
Current row |
Full row |
#Requester[<AttrName>.CurrentRow.FullRow] |
Column 1 |
#Requester[<AttrName>.CurrentRow.<ColName1>] |
Column 2 |
#Requester[<AttrName>.CurrentRow.<ColName2>] |
Entire column |
Column 1 |
#Requester[<AttrName>.EntireColumn.<ColName1>] |
Column 2 |
#Requester[<AttrName>.EntireColumn.<ColName2>] |
Number of rows |
#Requester[<AttrName>.Number of rows] |
People attribute List |
Value |
#Requester[<AttrName>.Value] |
Actor attribute | Name |
#Actor[Name] |
All people attributes |
Description of attribute |
#Requester[<AttrName>.Description] |
People attribute Text |
#Actor[<AttrName>] |
People attribute Password | Encrypted value |
#Actor[<AttrName>.Encrypted] |
ClearText value |
#Actor[<AttrName>.ClearText] |
People attribute Table | Full table |
#Actor[<AttrName>.FullTable] |
Current row |
Full row |
#Actor[<AttrName>.CurrentRow.FullRow] |
Column 1 |
#Actor[<AttrName>.CurrentRow.<ColName1>] |
Column 2 |
#Actor[<AttrName>.CurrentRow.<ColName2>] |
Entire column |
Column 1 |
#Actor[<AttrName>.EntireColumn.<ColName1>] |
Column 2 |
#Actor[<AttrName>.EntireColumn.<ColName2>] |
Number of rows |
#Actor[<AttrName>.Number of rows] |
People attribute List |
Value |
#Actor[<AttrName>.Value] |
Actions Except for 'Current action', these placeholders are only available if the Action Name was configured. |
Name |
#Action[<ActionName>.All] |
Reason |
#Action[<ActionName>.All.Reason] |
Responded |
#Action[<ActionName>.Responded] |
Reason |
#Action[<ActionName>.Responded.Reason] |
Not Responded |
#Action[<ActionName>.NotResponded] |
Cancelled |
#Action[<ActionName>.Cancelled] |
Reason |
#Action[<ActionName>.Cancelled.Reason] |
Approved |
#Action[<ActionName>.Approved] |
Reason |
#Action[<ActionName>.Approved.Reason] |
Rejected |
#Action[<ActionName>.Rejected] |
Reason |
#Action[<ActionName>.Rejected.Reason] |
Current Action |
All actors |
#Action[CurrentAction.All] |
Global attribute |
All types |
Description of attribute |
#Service[<AttrName>.Description] |
Text |
Value |
#Global[<AttrName>] |
Password | Encrypted value |
#Global[<AttrName>.Encrypted] |
ClearText value |
#Global[<AttrName>.ClearText] |
Table | Full table |
#Global[<AttrName>.FullTable] |
CurrentRow |
FullRow |
#Global[<AttrName>.CurrentRow.FullRow] |
Column 1 |
#Global[<AttrName>.CurrentRow.<ColName1>] |
Column 2 |
#Global[<AttrName>.CurrentRow.<ColName2>] |
EntireColumn |
Column 1 |
#Global[<AttrName>.EntireColumn<ColName1>] |
Column 2 |
#Global[<AttrName>.EntireColumn.<ColName2>] |
Number of rows |
#Global[<AttrName>.Number of rows] |
File | Downloadlink |
#Global[<AttrName>.Downloadlink] |
Filename |
#Global[<AttrName>.Filename] |
Filesize |
#Global[<AttrName>.Filesize] |
AnonymousDownloadLink |
#Global[<AttrName>.AnonymousDownloadLink] |
DataSource |
Fieldname |