Configure automatic detection of the Mobile Gateway for Mobile Clients

The Mobile Client supports automatic discovery of the Mobile Gateway via DNS lookup. This allows users to connect with their User Principal Name (UPN). A UPN is the name of a user in an e-mail address-like format. When users sign in, the UPN is matched to a user account in Microsoft Active Directory and the identifier of a specific person in Identity Director. After that, the Mobile Client automatically connects to the Mobile Gateway. This makes it easier for Mobile Client users to connect: they no longer need to worry about specifying the correct server and port to connect to the Mobile Gateway. And if you change the URL of the Web Portal, the Mobile Client automatically connects to the new URL.

To enable automatic detection, register a DNS record on your DNS server with a key-value pair that represents the location of the Mobile Gateway. For example:

DNS type


DNS name Please note that the prefix ross is a fixed value in the Mobile app. Any DNS record that you register must start with ross.

DNS name content

When a user specifies an UPN like [email protected], the DNS query looks up a text entry with key, which then results in