Restore deleted services

You can restore a deleted service if the following conditions are met:

  • The service you want to restore was saved at least once while Service versioning was enabled.
  • Service versioning is currently enabled.

If both conditions have been met, a label listing the version number is displayed in the upper-right corner of the details pages of a service: Version 1

Restoring a deleted service

You can restore services from the Audit Trail.

  1. In the Audit Trail, find the Deleted Service entry for the service you want to restore.
    If the service can be restored, the Restore button is displayed at the end of the line.
  2. When you click the Restore button, the Service Versions panel opens:
    Service Versions panel
    Click the version number of a specific version to view detailed information on what changes were made, by whom, when and from which computer.
    • The Comments field shows the version comments that were made when an administrator made changes to the service.
    • The Audit section shows the details of the service changes.
  3. Click Rollback next to a version number to initiate the restore of the service to that version.
    The service details page opens.
    On that page you can make changes before restoring the service.
  4. If you click Rollback:
    • The service is restored with a new version number. All saved versions of the service are available again on the Versions tab of the service.
    • In the Audit Trail:
      • the Restore button is no longer displayed at any of the Deleted Service entries for the restored service.
      • a new entry is logged, indicating that a rollback was performed and that the service was restored.

You can only restore deleted services to versions that were saved while Service versioning was enabled.

See also