Install the Management Portal

You need to install the Management Portal on a web server. We do not recommend to install it on a domain controller.

  • For evaluation purposes, you can also install the Management Portal on a workstation running Microsoft Windows 8 or higher.
  • By default, the Management Portal is installed at %PROGRAMFILES%\RES Software\IT Store\. If you install the Management Portal at a custom location, the installation path can contain a maximum of 120 characters.
  • By default, access to the Management Portal is not secured with administrative roles. This means that because the Management Portal is web-based, anyone with an Active Directory account can access it from any location, including end users. It is therefore best practice to secure access to it with administrative roles. See the Help for more information.


  1. Run the Identity Director Installer on the target device, for example the web server that also hosts the Web Portal. This opens the Identity Director Installer window.
  2. When asked, choose Select and install components and click Next.
  3. In the Features section, select Management Portal. Optionally, you can install other components. These are installed after you install the Management Portal.
  4. Start the installation and follow the Setup Wizard.
    • If no other Identity Director components have been installed on the current machine, you must first configure Secure Binding. This step is skipped if you already installed an Ivanti portal on the web server (e.g an IvantiAutomation or IvantiWorkspace Control Management Portal, or an Identity Director Web Portal).

Management Portal URL

If you specified a host name in step 5 above, the web application is available at

You can sign in to the Management Portal with your Windows User Account and with your User Principal Name (UPN). A UPN is the name of a user in an e-mail address-like format. When you sign in, the UPN is matched to a user account in Microsoft Active Directory and the identifier of a specific person in Identity Director.

Make sure that you use the same encryption key for the Transaction Engine and the Management Portal components of Identity Director.
When you first generate the encryption key, make sure you store it in a easily-accessible location for future use.
To see if an encryption key has already been configured, look in your web.config file, in the section webConsoleConfiguration > managementService > database > encryptionKey.