Enable the API of the Management Portal

The public API of the Management Portal is disabled by default. To enable it:

  1. On the server on which you installed the Management Portal, open the WebConsole.config file of the Management Portal. By default, this file is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\RES Software\IT Store\Web Console\Config.
  2. In the section <webConsoleConfiguration>, add the setting <api enabled="true" />

If you do not use the API, Ivanti recommends to disable the public API. You can do this by changing the setting to <api enabled="false" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<api enabled="true" />
<database type="MSSQL" server="<servername>" name="<datastorename>" user="<username>" password="<password>" useWindowsAuthentication="false" />
<authentication type="Windows" />
