Diagnostics tab of the service page

In the Management Portal at Entitlement Catalog, use the Diagnostics tab on the service page to view who qualifies and subscribes to the service, which transactions were made and if it is related to other services.



Explanation and tips

Qualified people

View all people who qualify for the service.

Subscribed people

View all people who currently subscribe to the service.

  • If the service allows multiple deliveries to the same subscriber, the Delivery Identifiers column keeps track of each delivery.


View all transactions that were made with the service.

  • You can abort pending transactions, retry failed transactions, and delete failed and completed transactions for this service.

Related services

View all services that are related to the current service. This information is useful because any changes to related services may affect the other services' availability, settings or workflow. Related services are:

  • Part of a qualification dependency or restriction.

- or -

  • Referred to in the actions Request another service or Cancel another service.


View the change log of the service, including when the changes happened, what changes were made and by whom.

  • Click the arrows to view the details of a change event.
  • Identity Director also logs service changes when you do not enable service versioning.
  • The log includes service rollbacks. This allows you to track who performed a roll back, when this took place, and to which version the service has been rolled back.
See also