Properties tab of the service page

In the Management Portal at Entitlement Catalog, use the Properties tab of the service page to configure the behavior and availability of a service.


Field Explanation and Tips
Name This field also supports double-byte characters.
Description Specify additional information about the service.
  • The markup editor supports styling functionality like headings, colors and numbered lists, but also hyperlinks and drag-and-drop.
Image Specify a service image. This helps users find the service faster.
  • You can select an image from the gallery, upload or extract one. Supported file types:
    • Images (BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG)
    • Icon files (ICO)
  • After the upload, the image can be moved and then cropped to the desired size. The format, however, needs to be square.

Category Group a service in a category. This helps users find the service faster.


Tags can be added to an entitlement to help users find an entitlement faster in the Web Portal.

  • Tags are visible on the entitlement details in the Web Portal.
  • Search based on tags in the Web Portal works across folders.
  • In the Web Portal, start your search argument with "#” to display only services where the specified value is part of a tag.
  • To specify multiple tags, use the comma separator or press the Enter-key.
  • There is no limit to how many tags can be added to an entitlement.
Service Rating Allow users to rate the service. This is valuable information for other users and administrators.
  • Users can rate up to 5 stars.
  • The average rating is updated every 30 minutes. The first user to rate a service has to wait approximately 15 minutes to see the result.
  • Configure the default behavior at Setup > Behavior. You can override the default for each individual service.
  • You can reset the average, for example if you make changes to the service and want users to re-evaluate it.
Delivery Time Specify the delivery time settings. This shows users and administrators how long the service delivery usually takes.
  • Select Default to apply the setting that you configured at Setup > Behavior.
  • Select Hide to hide this functionality.
  • Select Show 3-month average to show the average for the past 3 months.
  • Select Show 6-month average to show the average for the past 6 months.
  • Select Show 12-month average to show the average for the past 12 months.
  • Select Show all-time average to show the average delivery time of all recorded deliveries since the last reset.
    • You can reset the average delivery time, for example if you make changes to the service and want users to re-evaluate it. You can undo a reset within 5 seconds.
    • The average delivery time includes seconds in the Management Portal, not in the Web Portal and the Mobile Clients.
Open Specify a URL. Once the service has been delivered, users can open the URL by clicking the service in the Web Portal.
  • The URL must start with http:// or https://.
  • The contents of the Open field are not validated.
Cost Specify how much a service costs. Users can take this information into account when they request the service.
  • This field is only shown in the Web Portal, not in the Mobile Client.
Maximum number of service deliveries

Specify the maximum number of service deliveries to a subscriber, without returning the service first (1-999).

See also: Allow services to be delivered multiple times to the same subscriber

Delegation Allow users to delegate their tasks to someone else. In the Web Portal and the Mobile Client, users can then choose whether to use this functionality. Delegation is useful if users are unable to take action, for example because they are absent from work or otherwise occupied. If they delegate tasks to another user, service transactions can still be completed. When users delegate their tasks, the user and the delegated user both receive messages. The service workflow continues based on first response.
  • Select Default to apply the setting that you configured at Setup > Behavior.
  • Select Disabled to disable delegation for this service. This overrules the default setting.
  • Select Enabled to enable delegation for this service. This overrules the default setting.

See also: Configure delegation

Use as template

Convert the service to a template for use in service publications.

  • You can use service publications to integrate with Ivanti Workspace Control and Automation.
  • Templates are not available as a service: the options Show in My Store, Show in Delegated Administration Panel and Enable transactions are no longer available. Templates can neither be referenced by other services.

Show in My Store

Make the service available in the Web Portal.

Show as featured service

Enables you to highlight selected services to users. This makes the service appear on the Featured Services widget on the dashboard in the Web Portal for users who are qualified for that service.

Selecting the Show only featured check box at the top of the Entitlement Catalog page in Management Portal enables you to show only featured services.

Show in Delegated Administration Panel

Make the service available in delegated administration panels.

Enable transactions

Allow transactions with the service.

  • Clear the option to disable the service: it becomes unavailable in the Web Portal and service publications, and service transactions are not possible.

Show in publications

Make the service available for service publications.

  • Clear the option to remove the service from any service publication.

System critical (will gain priority in execution)

Mark the service instances as critical to give them priority in the Transaction Engine execution queue, in the eventuality of a system overload.

For this option to apply to your services, you must be first enable the Prioritize processing of critical services setting at Setup > Components, in the Transaction Engine Roles tab.

Note that marking a service as critical will not immediately place it at the beginning of the execution queue, if it is requested as a result of a people attribute change in a data synchronization. Instead, once the people attribute used as trigger is changed during the synchronization, the system will treat that change with priority and will request the service as soon as possible.

Services marked as system critical can be found separately in the High Priority tab of the Entitlement Catalog.

If a system critical service is triggered by an attribute change, we recommend that there are no other services connected to that attribute, otherwise all services will be treated with high priority even if the option is not enabled for all of them.

Skip selection of people and request service for this user

Allow users to request services only for themselves (including requests from delegated administration panels). This is particularly useful for services aimed at administrators, like creating Active Directory user accounts, distribution groups, etc.

Sticky notifications

Notifications that are displayed to the user by the Windows Client remain visible for the duration of the Sticky notification display time that is configured in the client. Without this option enabled, notifications will be visible for 8 seconds.
For this option to have (a noticeable) effect, Identity Director Windows Clients must have:

  • Show Notifications enabled.
  • The Sticky notification display time configured to a value other than 8 seconds.

For more information about these options, see the Configuration section of Install the Windows Client in Getting Started with Identity Director

See also