Configure TCP Connection Pool size for the Transaction Engine

If an Ivanti Automation Dispatcher in your environment is experiencing a high workload, it may cause Invoke Runbook actions to get stuck in status 'Pending' (see also this article). To help prevent this issue, you can configure the TCP connection pool size for a Transaction Engine.

By default, the pool size is 20. Setting it to (e.g.) 100 should be a good starting point when you experience the issue described in the acticle.


  1. Navigate to the installation location of the Transaction Engine. The Transaction Engine is installed by default at C:\Program Files\RES Software\IT Store\Transaction Engine.
  2. Open the resote.exe.config file and find the <appSettings> node, which is located inside the <configuration> node.
  3. In the <appSettings> node, add the tag <add key="AutomationTcpPoolSize" value="100"/>.
    The result should be:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>




    <add key="AutomationTcpPoolSize" value="100"/>




  4. Restart the Transaction Engine service for the changes to take effect.