Configure a default language of the Web Portal

The language in which the Web Portal starts up depends on the user's regional settings of the operating system or the language settings of the Internet browser. However, you can force the Web Portal to start up with a default language, for example to comply with the communication policies of your organization. Users who sign in to the Web Portal can still change the language, but it reverts to the default language the next time they sign in.

You can set the following values:

  • EN (English-US - default)
  • en-GB (English-GB)
  • NL (Dutch)
  • DE (German)
  • SV (Swedish)
  • FR (French)
  • NO (Norwegian)
  • DA (Danish)
  • pt-BR (Brazilian Portuguese)
  • ES (Spanish)


  1. Open the WebPortal.config file of the Web Portal in e.g. Notepad. By default, this file is located on the server that hosts the Web Portal at: C:\Program Files (x86)\RES Software\IT Store\Web Portal\Config.
  2. Add the node <application> </application> in the node <webPortalConfiguration> </webPortalConfiguration>.
  3. In the <application> node, add the attribute forceDefaultLanguage="en-GB" (or your language preference).
  4. Save the file.

You can set a mandatory default language by changing the value of the attribute forceDefaultLanguage.

  • If the value is empty, or the attribute or application node are missing, the setting is ignored. In that case, the default language is the language of the user's operating system (more specific, the first language reported by the user's browser, which usually is the operating system language).
  • If the attribute contains an unsupported language, the default language is used, regardless of the users's operating system language.
  • The attribute name is case sensitive, but its value is not: for example, "en-gb" has the same effect as "en-GB".


This is an example of a part of the WebPortal.config file with the default language:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<application forceDefaultLanguage="en-GB"></application>