Diagnostics tab of the person page

In the Management Portal at People, use the Diagnostics tab on the person page to view which services a person qualifies for or subscribes to, and which transactions were made.


Item Explanation and Tips
Qualified services View which services a person qualifies for. From this section, you can view, assign and request services for this person.
  • If you assign a service, it is delivered, but its workflow is not executed. For example, this is useful if your users received a mobile phone in the past, but you want to manage this process with a service from now on: if you assign a service Mobile Phone, the service is delivered, but the person does not receive a new mobile phone. If the mobile phone needs to be returned, the "normal" return workflow of the service Mobile Phone is followed.
Delivered services View which services a person subscribes to.
  • You can view, assign and request services for this person.
  • If you unassign a service, it is returned, but its workflow is not executed.
Transactions View which transactions were made for a person.
  • You can abort pending transactions, retry failed transactions, and delete failed and completed transactions for this person.
Actions View in which transactions a person played a role and for which action.