Translations tab of the service page

Use the Translations tab to view the set of supported languages, and to export and import service properties file (RESX) for each supported language.

This tab is only available if you have enabled translations at Setup > Translations.


Field Explanation and Tips
Default language The language that has been set as default at Setup > Translations
Click Download resx service properties to export the RESX of the default language and use it as the basis of translations for the other supported languages.
Other supported language(s) List of other languages that have been enabled at Setup > Translations.
  • Each supported language uses the default language if you do not upload a RESX file.
  • Click Reapply default language to reapply the default language.
  • Click Download resx service properties to export the RESX of the language to make adjustments to the translation.
  • Click Import resx file to import the RESX of the language. This ensures that custom labels are translated in the correct language.

The name of the exported RESX file has the format <name>_<language_abbreviation>.resx.

The exported RESX file for the Spanish version of the service 'New Employee' will be named new employee_es.resx.