Configure file repositories

In the Management Portal at Setup > File repositories, you can configure repositories for files that people can upload and download.

At Entitlement Catalog, you can use file service attributes in services to allow users to upload and download files. This allows you to automate processes that depend on file distribution. This is very useful in onboarding scenarios, because it makes it very easy for users to upload required information like a picture or a driver's license, and send it to HR or the Corporate IT department. Other examples are scenarios in which users can upload relevant files, like expense reports and signed documents.

To allow users to upload and download files through a service, you need to use file service attributes in these services. A file service attribute stores a reference to the file that the user uploads. You can specify for each file service attribute in which repository this file should be stored.



Explanation and Tips


Specify the (user friendly) name of the file repository.


Specifies the repository type. Identity Director only supports file shares.

Server path

Specify the path to the file share.

User name and password

Specify the credentials for the file share.

  • You cannot edit or delete the default Identity Director Datastore file repository.
  • The file repository overview shows which repositories are in use (i.e. contain uploaded files). You cannot delete file repositories that are in use.
  • You can manage stored files in the File Explorer.
See also