Available Reports

The following reports are available in Security Controls. The reports you have access to is dependent upon your current license level. The reports in the Machine and Patch - All Platforms categories apply to all platforms, providing access to both Windows reports and Linux reports. The reports in the other categories apply only to Windows machines.

For information on using Security Controls database views to generate your own custom reports, please see Introduction to Database Views.

To choose a report, select Tools > Create report from the main menu and then select a report from the list in the left pane of the Reports dialog.








Detailed License Status

This report lists license seat information, including the number of licensed seats, the number of seats used, how and when the seats were consumed and when they will be available again.


Machine/OS Listing (not contentless Linux)

This report lists the operating systems for each machine scanned.


Seat License Status

This report provides information about the number of license seats available and the number of seats used.

There is no filtering capability for this option.


Power Status Report

This report provides a list of machines and their power state at a specific time. The report is organized by machine group.

Patch - All Platforms




Deployment Status by Machine (not contentless Linux)

This report provides information about patch deployments made to one or more specified machines.


Executive Summary (not contentless Linux)

This report provides a high-level summary about the patches and the machines discovered by the scan.


Machine Patch Status Summary (not contentless Linux)

This report provides the patch status of each machine discovered by the scan.

Patch - Windows Only




Condensed Patch Listing

A concise, six-column report displaying the machine name and patch status for each scanned host. Patch items are displayed as bulletin numbers (MS00-000).


Deployment Detail

This report provides detailed information about a particular patch deployment.


Deployment Percentage by Patch

This report displays the percentage of machines that have each patch installed. The percentage is based on the number of machines that require the patch.


Deployment Status by Deployment

This report provides information about the success or failure of one or more specified patch deployments.


Deployment Status by Machine

This report provides deployment information specific to one or more machines.


Detailed Summary

This report shows a summary of the scan, plus it provides a list that shows each machine that was scanned and detailed information about each machine.


End-of-Life by Product

This report shows all detected end-of-life products and the machines that have them installed.


Executive Summary

This report provides a high-level summary about the patches and the Windows machines discovered by the scan.


Machine Inventory

This report provides a complete list of all software products installed on each machine discovered by the scan.


Machine Status by Patch Count

This report displays the number of machines in groups based on the number of missing patches.


Machine Status Summary

This report displays the status of machines in the selected database.


Machines by Patch

Displays patch status for each machine sorted by Bulletin ID and QNumber.


Machines Not Scanned

This report lists all machines not scanned and the reason they were not scanned.


Missing Product Level

This report is a quick overview of all machines that are missing product levels for supported products. This report skips the simple criteria filter and displays the advanced criteria filter immediately.


Patch Annotation Information

This report lists all patch annotations.


Patch Listing

A concise listing (one line per patch processed) of all patches for all scanned machines sorted by 'Missing', 'Found', 'Informational' and 'Warning', then sorted by user preference.


Patch Status Detail

This report provides detailed information about each patch discovered by the scan.


Patch Status Summary

This report provides a descriptive summary about each patch discovered by the selected scan(s). The report includes both found and missing patches. Use the Next Page and Previous Page icons to navigate through the report.


Patches by Machine

Displays patch status for each machine sorted by machine name.


Patches by Machine Detail

A detailed listing of every patch found sorted by machine name. For each patch, the entire summary and reason is listed in the report. Note that this report can take very long if executed against thousands of computers.


Top Ten Missing Patches

This report lists the ten patches that are missing the most often.


Top Ten Vulnerable Machines

This report lists the ten most vulnerable machines discovered by the program during the selected scan(s). The machines with the most missing patches and product levels are judged to be the most vulnerable.

Patch - Windows IAVA




Deployment Percentage by Patch (IAVA)

(Available only if you have a Government Edition of Security Controls.)

This report displays the percentage of machines that have each patch installed. The percentage is based on the number of machines that require the patch.


Detailed Summary (IAVA)

(Available only if you have a Government Edition of Security Controls.)

This report gives a detailed scan summary.


Machine Compliance (IAVA)

(Available only if you have a Government Edition of Security Controls.)

This report gives IAVA machine compliance information.


Machine Non-Compliance (IAVA)

(Available only if you have a Government Edition of Security Controls.)

This report gives IAVA machine non-compliance information.


Machine Status by Patch Count (IAVA)

(Available only if you have a Government Edition of Security Controls.)

This report displays the number of machines in groups based on the number of missing patches.


Patch Status Detail (IAVA)

(Available only if you have a Government Edition of Security Controls.)

This report gives detailed patch status information.

Asset - Windows Only




Machine Hardware Detail Report

This report provides a detailed list of hardware assets on each machine.


Machine Software Detail Report

This report provides a detailed listing of software installed on each machine.


Software Catalog Report

This report provides a list of all software installed on the scanned machines. The version number and install count information is displayed for each software product that is detected. If multiple versions of a product are detected, the machines using a particular version are listed in multiple columns.