Managing a Patch Scan Template

Custom patch scan templates are contained in the Windows Patch Scan Templates list in the navigation pane. You can edit an existing template by clicking the template name. You can also right-click a template and perform a number of different actions.




Enables you to edit the selected template.


Enables you to create a new template by using the existing template as a base. The name of the new template will be 'Duplicate of { selected template name }'. Change the name and the other template characteristics as desired.


Deletes the current template. You cannot delete a template that is currently being used by an agent policy.


Enables you to change the name of the patch scan template.

Be careful if you rename a template that is currently being used by an agent policy.

Edit path

Enables you to change which folder the template resides in within the navigation pane.

Make default

Sets the selected patch template as the default template.

New Patch Scan Template

Enables you to create a new custom patch scan template.