Patch Deployment Templates
When deploying patches to machines, patch deployment templates allow you to specify a number of different options. For example, you can specify whether the deployment target should be restarted after the deployment, how fast the patches should be copied to the remote machines, whether reports should be sent, and much more.
Base URL
Supported Requests
Method | URL | Input | Return |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/patch/deploytemplates/{patch deploy template id} |
Success or failure code. You cannot delete a predefined template. |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/patch/deploytemplates |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/patch/deploytemplates/{patch deploy template guid} |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/patch/deploytemplates/{patch deploy template id}/customactions |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/patch/deploytemplates/{patch deploy template id}/customactions/{custom action id} |
CustomAction |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/patch/deploytemplates/{patch deploy template id}/usedby |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/patch/deploytemplates |
Input Models

Name | Type | Description |
count |
Integer |
Provide the count of items to return. The default is 10 and the maximum value is 1000. |
createdByMe |
Boolean |
Returns only those items created by the user. This parameter will be removed in a future release and should only be used in legacy requests. |
name |
String |
Returns the items whose name matches the specified name. |
start |
Integer |
Sets the starting point. The items are sorted by their unique identifier and the starting point is the index into that sorted list. |
path |
String |
Sets the path and is used to find templates matching the specified path. |

Name | Required? | Type | Default Value | Description |
description |
No |
String |
None |
Gets or sets the description. |
distributionServerOptions |
No |
The options corresponding to the Distribution Servers tab of the deployment template. |
generalOptions |
No |
The options corresponding to the General tab of the deployment template. |
name |
Yes |
String |
None |
Gets or sets the name. |
path |
No |
String |
None |
Gets or sets the path. |
postDeploymentReboot |
No |
The options corresponding to the Post-deploy Reboot tab of the deployment template. |
preDeploymentReboot |
No |
The options corresponding to the Pre-deploy Reboot tab of the deployment template. |
virtualOptions |
No |
The options corresponding to the Hosted VMs/Templates tab of the deployment template. |
Example with Sample Response
Create a patch deployment template named "Sample"
POST Request
Request Body
{"Name":"Sample","Description":"A sample deployment template created using the REST API"}
Sample Response
"creator": "SHAVLIK\\joe.coder",
"description": "A sample deployment template created using the REST API",
"generalOptions": {
"removeTempFiles": false,
"sendTrackerMessages": true,
"shutdownIis": false,
"shutdownSql": false
"id": "9b5d4668-48fa-41ed-b424-094e6922a11b",
"isSystem": false,
"isTemporary": false,
"links": {
"customactions": {
"href": ""
"self": {
"href": ""
"usedby": {
"href": ""
"name": "Sample",
"postDeploymentReboot": {
"options": {
"powerState": "Restart",
"countdownMinutes": 5,
"extendMinutes": 1,
"forceActionAfterMinutes": 10,
"loggedOnUserAction": "ForceActionAfterMinutes",
"systemDialogSeconds": 60,
"userOptions": "AllowExtension"
"when": "Immediate"
"preDeploymentReboot": {
"when": "NoReboot"
"virtualOptions": {
"takePostDeploymentSnapshots": false,
"takePreDeploymentSnapshots": false
Other Request Examples

DELETE Request

GET Request

GET Request

GET Request

GET Request

POST Request
{ name: "Example5", PreDeploymentReboot = @{ When ='Immediate'; Options = @{ LoggedOnUserAction = 'ForceActionAfterMinutes'; ForceActionAfterMinutes=15; extendMinutes = 1; userOptions='AllowExtension, AllowCancelTimeout, AllowCancelReboot' } }; }
Output Models

Name | Type | Description |
creator |
String |
The creator. |
description |
String |
Gets or sets the description. |
distributionServerOptions |
The options corresponding to the Distribution Servers tab of the deployment template. |
generalOptions |
The options corresponding to the General tab of the deployment template. |
id |
Guid |
Gets or sets the patch deployment template UID. |
isSystem |
Boolean |
Gets or sets the flag indicating if this is a system template. |
isTemporary |
Boolean |
Indicates that this is temporary and can be deleted after the deployment. |
links |
Links |
Shows the related URLs for the patch deployment template, the custom actions and the usedby list. |
name |
String |
Gets or sets the name. |
path |
String |
Gets or sets the path. |
postDeploymentReboot |
The options corresponding to the Post-deploy Reboot tab of the deployment template. |
preDeploymentReboot |
The options corresponding to the Pre-deploy Reboot tab of the deployment template. |
virtualOptions |
The options corresponding to the Hosted VMs/Templates tab of the deployment template. |

Name | Type | Description |
hoursUntilEmailSent |
Integer |
Indicates how many hours to wait for patches to be successfully deployed before sending any automatic email messages. |
remoteDialogConfig |
The options corresponding to the Remote Dialog section on the General tab of the deployment template. |
removeTempFiles |
Boolean |
Indicates if the temporary patch files that were copied during the deployment process will be removed. |
sendTrackerMessages |
Boolean |
Indicates if Deployment Tracker status messages will be sent from the machines being patched. |
shutdownIis |
Boolean |
Indicates if the IIS Server will be shut down before the patch deployment process begins. |
shutdownSql |
Boolean |
Indicates if the SQL Server will be shut down before the patch deployment process begins. |

Name | Type | Description |
caption |
String |
Specifies the text you want to appear in the Remote dialog caption. |
title |
String |
Specifies the text you want to appear in the Remote dialog box title. |

Name | Type | Description |
byIpRange |
Boolean |
Indicates if the distribution server that will be used will be determined by the IP address of each target machine. You must have defined one or more IP ranges and assigned the ranges to a primary distribution server and to a backup server. |
defaultId |
Integer |
The default distribution server ID when UseSpecificServer is specified. |
errorRetry |
Specifies when to try again if no patch can be retrieved from the distribution server. |
fallbackToVendorSite |
Boolean |
If the distribution server is not available, the machine being patched will attempt to download the patch files from the patch vendor's website. |
staggerStartTime |
Integer |
Stagger distribution server download times in minutes. |

Name | Type | Description |
none |
String |
A retry will not be attempted and the deployment will fail. |
atReboot |
String |
A retry will be attempted each time the target machine is rebooted, for up to three reboots. |
periodic |
String |
A retry will be attempted at 15, 30, 60 and 120 minute intervals after the initial failure, and again when the target machine is rebooted. Retries are also attempted after two subsequent reboots. |

Name | Type | Description |
options |
Specifies the reboot options. |
when |
Specifies when the reboot will occur. |

Name | Type | Description |
options |
Specifies the reboot options. |
when |
Specifies when the reboot will occur. |

Name | Type | Description |
earliestTime |
DateTime |
The earliest time the safe reboot action can occur. |
powerState |
The target power state after deployment is complete. |

Enables you to specify what state you want to leave the machines after the reboot. The items in this table are mutually exclusive; you can only specify one option.
Name | Type | Description |
stayOnline |
String |
The machines are kept in their current state. |
sleep |
String |
The machines are put into sleep mode. |
hibernate |
String |
The machines are put into a hibernation mode. |
shutdown |
String |
The machines are powered off without being restarted. |
restart |
String |
The machines are restarted and left in a powered on state. |
restartThenSleep |
String |
The machines are restarted and then put into sleep mode. |
restartThenHibernate |
String |
The machines are restarted and then put into a hibernation state. |
restartThenShutdown |
String |
The machines are restarted and then powered off. |

Name | Type | Description |
noReboot |
String |
Do not reboot the machine after patch deployment. |
immediate |
String |
Reboot the machine immediately after deployment. |
scheduledTime |
String |
Reboot the machine at the next occurrence of the scheduled time. |
scheduledDateTime |
String |
Reboot the machine at the scheduled date and time. |
immediateIfRequired |
String |
Reboot the machine immediately, but only if required. |
scheduledTimeIfRequired |
String |
Reboot the machine at the scheduled time, but only if required. |
scheduledDateTimeIfRequired |
String |
Reboot the machine at the scheduled date and time, but only if required. |

Name | Type | Description |
countDownMinutes |
Integer |
The countdown minutes. |
extendMinutes |
Integer |
The number of minutes a user is allowed to extend the countdown. |
forceActionAfterMinutes |
Integer |
The number of minutes before the safe reboot option action will occur. |
forceActionOnLatestTime |
DateTime |
The latest time the safe reboot action will occur. |
loggedOnUserAction |
The action to take if a user is logged on. |
systemDialogSeconds |
Integer |
The number of seconds the system dialog will display during shutdown. |
userOptions |
The options a user is allowed to do during the safe reboot action. |

If you elect to restart machines, you can specify the degree of control the user will have over the restart process. These are flags, so you can add several of them at once in an array.
Name | Description |
none |
The user will have no control over the restart process. |
allowExtension |
Allow the user to extend the time-out countdown up to a specified maximum. |
allowCancelTimeout |
Allow the user to cancel the time-out. The patches will not be deployed until the user manually restarts the machine. |
allowCancelReboot |
Allow the user to cancel the reboot. The patches will not be installed until the machine is restarted. |
allowNoTimeout |
noRestart |

If you elect to restart machines, you can specify the amount of warning that a logged-on user will receive.
Name | Description |
alertUser |
Alert the user that a restart will occur when they log off. |
forceActionAfterMinutes |
Force a restart after a number of minutes have passed. |
forceActionOn |
Force a restart at a specific date and time. |

Name | Type | Description |
maxSnapshotCount |
Integer |
The maximum snapshot count to manage. |
oldestSnapshotInDays |
Integer |
The number of days a snapshot will be allowed to exist. |
takePostDeploymentSnapshots |
Boolean |
Indicates if a snapshot will be taken of the offline virtual machine after deploying missing patches or service packs. |
takePreDeploymentSnapshots |
Boolean |
Indicates if a snapshot will be taken of the virtual machine prior to deploying missing patches or service packs. |

Name | Type | Description |
actionType |
Specifies the action type. |
command |
String |
The location of the .exe file that is to be executed. |
id |
Integer |
The unique identifier of this CustomAction object. |
kb |
String |
The KB number. |
links |
Links |
Shows the related URLs |
patchActedOn |
String |
The patch that will be acted on during installation. |

Specifies when during the patch deployment process the custom command will be triggered.
Name | Description |
push |
Pushes a custom batch file or custom executable file to the target machines as part of the deployment. |
first |
Before any patches are installed. |
before |
Before each patch or service pack is installed. |
after |
After each patch or service pack is installed. |
last |
After all patches are installed (but before reboot) |
reboot |
After the reboot. |

Name | Type | Description |
name |
String |
The name of the item using the template. |
usageType |
Enum |
The type of component using the template. |