Ivanti Security Controls 2025.1.1
Build Information
These release notes support the General Availability (GA) version of Ivanti Security Controls 2025.1.1, released in February 2025. The GA build is 9.6.9397.0 and it can be downloaded from the download page.
You can upgrade to this version from Security Controls 2022.2 or later. See the Upgrade Guide for complete details.
IMPORTANT! We recommend you back up your current database before performing any upgrades. If you are using a full edition of SQL Server, use the SQL Server Maintenance Plan Wizard to perform the backup. SQL Server Express users who do not have access to the SQL Server Maintenance Plan Wizard can use the Ivanti Security Controls Database Maintenance tool.
IMPORTANT! If you use distribution servers, you MUST update the Linux engine installer on all distribution servers before creating or updating policies to include Linux patch groups. If this is not done, and a new policy is used with an old engine, scans will not work and the old engine will interpret this policy to deploy all patches and not just the patches that were approved in the patch group.
IMPORTANT! If you use Linux contentless patching with Security Controls 2024.1, some new deployment history items could be lost, but you will see the current status of the advisory on an endpoint. Upgrading to 2024.2 or later will fix this issue.
Installation Notes
System Requirements
The following operating systems are no longer supported for use by the Security Controls console:
- Windows Server 2012 family
- Windows Server 2012 R2 family
The following operating systems are no longer supported as Windows endpoints:
- Windows Server 2008
- Windows Server 2008 R2
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 is no longer supported. You must be using Microsoft SQL Server 2014 or later.
A new version of the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 – 2022 is available, so this will likely be identified as missing during the prerequisite check of the installation process.
For a complete list of requirements for the console, your agentless clients and your agent-based clients, see System Requirements in the help.
New Installation vs Upgrade
If you are an existing customer using Security Controls 2022.2 or later, you should upgrade to Security Controls 2025.1 (or 2022.2 if you require a Common Criteria certified version). This will enable you to maintain your current product database and configuration data.
If you are a new Ivanti customer or an Ivanti Application Control customer who is migrating to the Application Control feature in Security Controls, you will be performing a new installation.
Although the upgrade and new installation processes are similar, there are differences. For example, if you upgrade you will not be presented with the opportunity to create a new database or choose how users and services will connect to the database.
Disconnected Networks
If you are installing on a disconnected console machine, in addition to manually installing any prerequisite software, you must also manually download and install the product core files BEFORE you begin the installation process. For complete information on this process, see the Performing a New Installation topic in the Security Controls help.
For information on how to manually manage your data files in a disconnected environment, see How to Download Content Data Files and Patches Using the Download PowerShell Script on the Ivanti Community.
Enhancements and Improvements
This release contains the following changes:
- The Machine/OS Listing, Deployment Status by Machine, and Executive Summary reports are updated to include contentless Linux patching.
A new option, Trusted Domains, is added under the Tools menu. This feature allows you to add and identify permitted domains by creating a list of trusted domain suffixes. Only the domain suffixes included in this list are allowed to communicate with Security Controls.
- Patch Scans REST API is enhanced to include P2Z Linux machines. For details, see Patch Scans in the separate API documentation (opens in a new window).
- Included REST APIs for Linux Package Metadata and Linux Advisory Metadata. For details, see Linux Pacakage Metadata and Linux Advisory Metadata in the separate API documentation (opens in a new window).
Known Issues
Removed Features
Feature That Was Removed from 2024.3
The POST and DELETE methods sharewithservice have been removed from the Credentials function of the REST API.
Feature That Was Removed from 2023.4
The Security Controls console is no longer supported on the following operating systems:
- Windows Server 2012 family
- Windows Server 2012 R2 family
Feature That Was Removed from 2023.2
The Ivanti Scheduler has been removed. The Microsoft Scheduler has been improved to the point that the Ivanti Scheduler was no longer needed.
Feature That Was Removed from 2022.2
Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 has ended. This is because Red Hat has stopped providing maintenance support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.
Features That Will Be Removed in Future Releases
- VMware has ended support and technical guidance for versions 6.5, 6.7 and 6.7.1, and security updates are no longer published. Support for these versions will be removed in a future release, leaving the earliest supported version as 7.0.
- The database views are now organized using the Reporting2 namespace. The original Reporting namespace will be removed in a future release and should only be used by legacy queries. All new queries should be created using the Report2.* views. For more information about report views, see the Generating Custom Reports section in the Security Controls help.
- In the REST API, support for servicecredentials requests will end in a future release. This capability is contained in the new shared credentials functionality.
- In the REST API, support for the /metadata/vendor Family.products parameter will end in a future release. That capability is being replaced by the Family.productVersions parameter.
Bugs Fixed
2025.1.1 (9.6.9397.0, February 2025)
Problem ID | Title |
105245 | Fixed DNS domain scan errors (452: error code) encountered when SPN name validation is enabled, after upgrading to versions 2025.1 or 2024.4.1 from earlier releases. |
105052 | Fixed an error where REST API is not returning details of Agent based patch deployments. |
2025.1 (9.6.9396.0, January 2025)
Problem ID | Title |
103379 | Fixed an issue where the Patch Annotation Information report shows old comments that were previously removed. |
104207 | Fixed issue regarding the Hash mismatch on offline .tar files. |
Vulnerabilities Fixed
ID | Title |
1367927 |
Resolved an issue where administrators can by-pass Application Integrity Checks. |