About the Operations Monitor

The Operations Monitor is designed to give you a single console from which to monitor background tasks. The background tasks currently monitored include patch scans, patch downloads, patch deployments, Application Control event retrieval, ESXi Hypervisor scans and deployments, asset scans, power management tasks, agent installations and results, script executions, and test patch deployments.

The Operations Monitor is displayed automatically whenever one of these background tasks is performed. To manually access the Operations Monitor, select View > Operations Monitor.

You can export machine information from any of the Operations Monitor tabs by right-clicking in the machine grid and selecting Export selected machines to CSV. To add or remove columns in the bottom pane, right-click on a column heading and select Column Chooser.




Minimizes the Operations Monitor dialog.

Clear All Completed

Removes all completed tasks from all tabs.

Patch scans

Displays a unique tab for each machine group, domain, or favorite that is being scanned. The tab shows the steps involved in the patch scan and the progress of each step. See Monitoring a Patch Scan for more information.

Patch downloads tab

Displays status information about patch downloads that have been initiated from the console.

Deployment Tracker tab

Monitors the status of patch deployment tasks. See About the Deployment Tracker Dialog for more information.

ESXi Hypervisor scans

Displays a unique tab for each ESXi Hypervisor scan operation. The tab shows the steps involved in the scan and the progress of each step. The results of the scan can be found on the Bulletins tab of your managed or unmanaged hypervisor. Remember to refresh the Bulletins tab to view the most current information.

ESXi Hypervisor deployments

Displays a unique tab for each ESXi Hypervisor deployment operation. The tab shows the steps involved in the deployment and the progress of each step. When the operation is complete, a summary of the deployment steps is available within the Event History log, which you can get to by clicking the View deployment details link.

Asset scans

Displays a unique tab for each machine group, domain, or favorite that is being scanned. The tab shows the steps involved in the asset scan and the progress of each step. See Monitoring an Asset Scan for more information.

Power Tasks

Displays status information about power management tasks that run immediately after they are initiated. For more information on power commands initiated using the Power Management function, see Monitoring a Power Task. For information about power commands initiated using the Virtual Inventory feature, see Performing Actions on Virtual Machines.

Agent Installations tab

Displays status information about agents that have been "push installed" from the console to the machines in your network.

Agent Command Results tab

Displays status information about commands that have been issued to your agents.

Script executions

Displays a unique tab for each script that is executed. The tab shows when a script is running, when it is complete, and the status of the script when it is complete (successful, error, etc.).

Test Patch Deployment tab

Security Controls includes the ability to perform a test deployment for any patches that are to be deployed. This is especially useful for patch deployment that has been scheduled for a later time. Testing the deployment allows you to correct any potential problems in a deployment and make it less likely that a deployment will fail.

The Test Patch Deployment tab displays the results of a test deployment. A test deploy returns either a pass or a fail depending on what it finds. For example, if the Workstation or Scheduling services are not started in a particular machine, Security Controls cannot deploy patches to it and a test deploy will return a failing result.