Asset disposals
Use the Disposals workspace to manage the disposal of assets at the end of their life. This workspace shows a list of all disposals in the database, and provides a number of saved searches to narrow the list. Note that a single disposal record can include one or more assets for disposal.
You can start the disposal process here, or in the Hardware Assets workspace by selecting one or more assets, clicking Create Disposal at the top of the list, and then naming and saving the record. The record will display in the Disposals workspace, where you can add extra information to it before finalizing the disposal. For details, see both procedures below.
The Storage Manager user role has access to the Disposals workspace, as do the Asset Administrator and Asset Manager roles.
For details about deleting asset records from the ITAM database and tracking them in the Deleted Assets Audit workspace, see Hardware assets.

1.In the Disposals workspace, click New. The disposal record page displays.
2.Select the Vendor that is handling the disposal, and the Record Name. The name of the disposal record can be a summary description or a reference number, for example.
3.Select the Status of this disposal from the drop-down. Note that you'll probably want a status of Draft for now. Only after ordering the disposal from the vendor should you set the status to Ordered.
4.If appropriate, enter the Disposal Date and Disposal Certificate then click Save.
5.Click the Assets tab and click Link. A dialog displays listing assets that are available for disposal. Assets already in the process of being disposed of do not display in the list.
6.Select the assets for disposal, then click Select to add them to the Assets tab. A Disposal tab is also added to the associated asset records, enabling you to track the disposal in the Hardware Assets workspace.
7.Click Save.
You can set the Status to Cancelled to cancel the disposal.
Once you've created the asset disposal record, you can return to the Assets tab and link and unlink further assets as required. The next stage is to finalize the disposal.

To finalize the disposal, you first need to transfer the assets to temporary storage while they're being processed. At this point, the assets can no longer be assigned to users or transferred around your organization. From temporary storage, you can prepare the assets for disposal; for example, you could reclaim software and perform any security requirements that you have.
1.From the Assets tab of the disposal, select the assets you're disposing and click Assign Temporary Storage.
2.Select the Location and Storage Space where the assets will be moved for processing, then click OK. The status of the linked assets changes to Awaiting Disposal, and they can no longer be assigned to users or transferred around your organization. Now you can prepare each asset for disposal if required.
3.From the Assets tab of the disposal, select the assets that you're processing, then click Set Disposal State and select an option from the drop-down. Click OK. The Disposal State updates in the list.
You can also change the Disposal State on the Disposal tab on the asset record page. Use this status to monitor your internal disposal processes before the asset is removed for final disposal.
4.When the assets have been successfully disposed, update the Disposal Date and enter the Disposal Certificate reference. Click Dispose under the Assets tab, and set the Status to Complete. The status of the assets changes to Disposed.
5.Complete the associated tabs as needed:
•Details – Add any important information to this record.
•Vendor – View any vendors associated with handling the disposal.
•Journal – Add any relevant notes to this record.
•Attachments – Attach any documentation such as WEEE certificates, or add a URL link to a relevant website. URLs must include the https:// prefix.
•Audit History – Automatically tracks any changes made to key attributes of this record.
6.Click Save.