You can view a number of asset-related dashboards in the Home workspace that relate to your current user role. A drop-down list in the upper left corner of the page shows the currently available dashboards. Some user roles have access to other dashboards that aren't initially displayed, but which may provide access to additional information—these dashboards are added by each user and are for their own use.
To see all available dashboards for your user role
1.Open the Home workspace.
2.Below the Home tab, open the dashboards drop-down, scroll down to the bottom, and click All Dashboards in the bottom right.
3.In the resulting list, select the check box next to each dashboard you want to view.
4. At the top of the list view, click the More Actions drop-down and select Add to my dashboards. You can also use this drop-down to remove a dashboard from view, pin a dashboard to the watchlist, and so on. For details about the watchlist, see Watchlist.
5.Click the icon to save the changes and go back to the dashboard view. Dashboards you selected will now be available as an option from the drop-down below the Home tab.

The Asset Administrator and Asset Manager user roles can access all dashboards. If other roles can access a dashboard, they're mentioned with the descriptions below.
Asset Contracts – Contract Managers can also access this dashboard, which shows:
•Contracts by Status – A column chart showing the number of contracts at each status.
•Contracts by Vendor – A pie chart of contracts grouped by vendor.
•Contract Line Items by Type – A column chart showing the number of contract line items of each type.
•All Contracts – Lists all contracts.
•Contract Line Items due for Renewal – A list of all contract line items that are due for renewal.
For details, see Contracts.
Asset Exceptions – This dashboard shows these reports:
•Asset Location Exceptions – Lists all discovered assets with subnets that do not match the asset's assigned location. For details, see Missing assets.
•Asset User Exceptions – Lists all assets where the last discovered logged-in user does not match the assigned user.
•Lost and Stolen Assets – Lists all assets where the status is Lost or Stolen.
•Assets without Disposal Records – Lists all assets where the status is Destroyed, Disposed, Lost, or Stolen and there is no associated disposal record.
Asset Financials – This dashboard provides three charts that show the total spend on assets:
Total Asset Cost by Year – A line graph that displays the total spend on assets by year.
Cost by Asset Type by Year – A bar graph that displays the total annual spend on assets by subtype. Bars are color coded by year.
Total Asset Cost by Quarter – A line graph that displays the total spend on assets by business quarter. Each line represents a given year.
Asset Lifecycle Activity – Contract Managers can also access this dashboard, which provides an overview of asset status:
•Assets by Status – A pie chart of assets grouped by status.
•Assets On Order – A pie chart of on-order assets grouped by asset type.
•Assets without Disposal Records – Lists all assets where the status is Destroyed, Disposed, Lost, or Stolen and there is no associated disposal record.
Asset Manager – Default Home dashboard for the Asset Manager user role:
•Assets by Type – A pie chart of assets grouped by asset type.
•Asset Distribution – A column chart showing the number of assets in each location.
•Asset by Financial Owner – A column chart showing assets sorted by financial owner.
•Assets not seen in over 30 days – A list of assets with the status Assigned that have not been discovered for more than 30 days.
Asset Manager Analyst – Contract Managers, Procurement Managers, and Storage Managers can also access this dashboard, which provides details about asset requests and associated tasks:
•My Active Asset Requests – A list of requests that are not Closed, Cancelled, or Fulfilled, and where the current user is the owner.
•My Asset Requests – A list of all requests where the current user is the owner.
•My Open Tasks – A list of tasks that are not Cancelled, Completed, Logged, or Rejected, and where the current user is the owner.
•My Team's Active Asset Requests – A list of requests that are not Closed, Cancelled, or Fulfilled, and where the current user is a member of the team that owns the request.
•My Team's Unassigned Tasks – A list of tasks owned by my team that do not have a specific user set as the owner.
•My Team's Open Tasks – A list of tasks owned by my team that are not Cancelled, Completed, or Rejected.
•All Asset Requests Not Assigned To Any User – A list of requests that have no owner set.
Asset Manager Management – Contract Managers, Procurement Managers, and Storage Managers can also access this dashboard, which provides manager-related information for requests and associated tasks:
•Active Asset Requests by Team – A pie chart showing active requests grouped by team.
•Active Asset Requests by Status – A pie chart showing active requests grouped by status.
•All Asset Requests by Team – A pie chart showing all requests grouped by team.
•All Asset Requests by Status – A pie chart showing all requests grouped by status.
•All Asset Requests Not Assigned To Any User – A list of requests that have no owner set.
Asset Manager Procurement – Contract Managers, Procurement Managers, and Storage Managers can also access this dashboard, which displays procurement information:
•Purchase Orders by Vendor – A column chart showing the number of purchase orders for each vendor.
•Purchase Orders by Status – A pie chart of purchase orders grouped by status.
•My Purchase Orders – Lists active purchase orders that were submitted by the current user.
Asset Manager Reports – Contract Managers, Procurement Managers, and Storage Managers can also access this dashboard, which displays links to Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) reports related to ITAM. For details, see Reports.
Asset Manager Stock Levels – Procurement Managers and Storage Managers can also access this dashboard, which shows stock levels against Product Catalog items:
•Asset Stock Levels – Lists all assets linked to a Product Catalog item where the status of the asset is In Stock.
Product Catalog Overview – Procurement Managers and Storage Managers can also access this dashboard, which provides an overview of the Product Catalog:
•My Team's Products – A column chart showing the number of my team's products at each status.
•Approved Products by Type – A pie chart of approved products grouped by asset type.
•Products In Stock – Lists catalog items that are in stock.
•Products Awaiting Approval – Lists catalog items at the status Under Review.
•Products Expiring in the next 30 Days – Lists catalog items where the expiry date is within 30 days.
•Low Stock Products – Lists catalog items where there are fewer than ten assets in stock.
Software License – This dashboard shows information about licensable software assets that have been manually added to the database or have been imported via Ivanti Neurons:
•Licensed Software by Title – Lists all licensed software assets by product title.
•Unused Licensed Software in Last 90 Days – Lists each hardware asset installed with licensed software that has been unused for the last 90 days.
•Unused Licensed Software in Last 180 Days – Lists each hardware asset installed with licensed software that has been unused for the last 180 days.
Software Product – Contract Managers and Procurement Managers can also access this dashboard, which shows information about software assets:
•Software Products by Type – A column chart showing the number of software products of each type.
•Software Products by Manufacturer – A pie chart of software products grouped by manufacturer.
•Software Suites – Lists all software products where the Is Suite check box has been selected.
Vendor Score Card – Contract Managers and Procurement Managers can also access this dashboard, which shows information about the performance of all active vendors.