Facility assets
The Facilities Management content package adds workspaces for managing the non-device assets common to many facilities, such as office furniture, equipment, and building mechanics. Basically, facility assets is a catch-all term relating to any facility-based item that you want to manage or maintain. You can also create work orders for maintenance jobs in and around a facility.
Use this package in an environment where both Ivanti Neurons for ITSM and ITAM are installed or in an Ivanti Neurons for ITAM-only environment. For details about downloading, see Optional content packages.
This topic covers how you can use this package for ITAM. For details about using it with Ivanti Neurons for ITSM, see that product's online help.

Asset Administrators have access to the following new workspaces:
•Facilities Assets – A manually-created list of facility assets located at any of the locations listed in the database. Assets can include office furniture, equipment, building mechanics (elevators, escalators, electrical), and so on. Manage assets from this workspace in a way similar to the Hardware Assets workspace. The Storage Manager user role also has access to this workspace.
•Facilities Buildings / Floors / Rooms / Cubicles – Separate workspaces that list of all facility buildings in the database, as well as the specific floors, rooms, and cubicles where you want to track facility assets. The most logical way to add this data is via the Locations workspace, as part of a location record.
•Schedule Entry – A list of facility maintenance jobs that should occur on an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly schedule that you can link to a work order as a reminder.
•Work Orders – Work orders for custodial, operational, or maintenance jobs at a facility. Use one of the available templates to speed up the creation process. Work orders must be responded to and resolved within a certain period of time or they breach their response and resolution targets.
Facility asset data will also display in these other workspaces:
•Home – Displays a number of dashboards relevant to facility assets in stock, the locations they're at, active purchase and work orders, and so on.
•Locations – Add a facility to a location record. Doing so enables you to manage facility assets in the building via the Facility Assets workspace. Use the tabs for Buildings, Floor, Room, and Cubicles to define areas in the building where you want to track the facility assets.
•Stock Management – A list of storage spaces and their locations, as well as the facility assets stored in each.
•Product Catalog – Create a facility asset item that users can request from the online Product Catalog.
•Asset Request – Submit a request for a facility asset item in the Product Catalog using a Facility Services request template (located under the Parameters tab > Facility Services category).
•Tasks – A list of all tasks in the database, including ones associated with facility-asset work orders.
•Reports – A list of all available reports relating to facility assets.
Facility buildings and assets
It's recommended that you set up the facility buildings (as well as the floors, rooms, and cubicles in those buildings) as part of a location record before adding the facility assets that you want to manage.

1.Open the Locations workspace.
2.Open an existing location record, or create a new one that will contain the facility building data.
3.With a location record open, click the Buildings tab.
4.Click New. The Location and Building ID auto-fill. Building ID incrementally updates with each facility you add to this location record. Provide a meaningful Building Name and select a Status from the drop-down. All other fields are optional. Click Save. The building data is also saved in the Facilities Building workspace. Repeat for each building at this location that you want to manage.
5.Add a floor, room, and cubicle to each facility building as needed:
•Click the Floor tab and click New. The Location and Floor ID auto-fill. Floor ID incrementally updates with each floor you add to this Facility Building record, but you can change as needed. Provide a meaningful Floor Name and select a Status from the drop-down. All other fields are optional. Click Save. The floor data is also saved in the Facilities Floor workspace. Repeat for each floor that contains assets you want to manage.
•Click the Room tab and click New. The Location auto-fills. Select the Building, Floor, and Room Number. Room Number incrementally updates, but you can change as needed. All other fields are optional. Click Save. The room data is also saved in the Facilities Room workspace. Repeat for each room that contains assets you want to manage.
•Click the Cubicles tab and click New. The Location auto-fills. Select the Building and Floor. Cubicle ID incrementally updates, but you can change as needed. Select a Status from the drop-down. All other fields are optional. Click Save. The cubicle data is also saved in the Facilities Cubicle workspace. Repeat for each cubicle that contains assets you want to manage.
6.Click Save in the toolbar to update this location record, and click the icon to return to the list view.

Once an asset is added, you can use the top toolbar to check it into a location; assign to a user, location, or financial owner; or transfer to a different location and storage space.
1.Open the Facilities Assets workspace.
2.From the toolbar, click New.
3.Enter a required Name for this asset and Serial Number. The serial number is especially important as the unique identifier that the product uses to track an asset.
4.Under the Details tab, select a Status from the drop-down. All other Detail tab fields are optional and generally match those found in the Hardware Assets workspace. For details about a specific field, see Hardware assets.
5.Other tabs: Use Sub Asset to link another facility asset to this record. Use Preventative Maintenance Spares to link a consumable asset. Use Work Orders to link to an existing work order or to create a new one for a maintenance job at a facility that is relevant to this record. For details, see the next section. All other tabs are optional and generally match those found in the Hardware Assets workspace. For details about a specific tab, see Hardware assets.
6.Click Save in the toolbar to log the asset, and click the icon to return to the list view.
After saving, you can go back in and update this record with more details as needed.
Work orders
Create work orders for custodial, operational, or maintenance jobs at a facility. Work orders must be responded to and resolved within a certain period of time, or they'll breach their response and resolution targets.

Follow this procedure to log a basic work order into the database. The additional tabs defined below are optional or provide informational details about this record.
1.Open the Work Orders workspace.
2.From the toolbar, click the New drop-down and select one of the available templates. A unique reference number and date time stamp are automatically assigned to the order.
3.Many of the fields will auto-fill, though you can change them if necessary. Select who the order is Requested for by clicking to open the employee list. Add a Summary title and detailed Description.
The Status field is notable, because it automatically updates as the order advances through the workflow process. Users associated with this record receive a notification after each change of status until the record is resolved and then permanently closed. The incident Audit History tab records each change in status.
Select values for the Category, Sub Category, and Work Order Type fields. These fields further categorize the work order, which a Facilities Administrator (a user role in Ivanti Neurons for ITSM) can use to identify trends for reporting purposes. Priority can be 1-5, with 1 being the highest. Search the list to select the Location where the work order will be performed.
4.In the toolbar, click Save to submit the work order, and click the icon to return to the list view. The system automatically notifies the requestee, as well as your team, that this order is active and assigned to you.
After saving, you—or anyone associated with this record—can go back in and update it with more details as needed, using the tabs defined below. To see how far the record has progressed through the workflow, click to view updates to the Resolution Target progress bar.

If some of these tabs don't display by default within the record, click the icon (at the far right of the tab list) to view all available tabs.
•Details tab – In the Journal area, click Add to add an email or note that's relevant to the order. All journal entries made here will display under the Activity History tab for this record. See that tab description below for how to add a journal entry.
Under Attachments, click Attach to add a file or Paste to add clipboard text that may be useful when submitting the order. Add additional Comments if necessary. Any attachments added here will also display under the Attachment tab for this record.
•Task tab – Assign a task to a relevant team and owner that can help fulfill this order. Once the task is added to this record, the assigned owner will be notified of the task and can accept it, reject it, reassign it, and so on.
Click New Task and fill in the fields. Summary is a brief title for the task. Priority can be 1-5, with 1 being the highest. Service further defines which area of the business this task belongs to. Assign this task to the selected service's Team and Owner. Enter the task Details, which will help the owner understand what this task entails. Leave Actual Effort blank—the owner is responsible for entering the amount of time this task took to complete. After the record is closed, the system will calculate the total cost and time associated with each completed task.
•Checklist tab – Create a checklist item for this work order or link to an existing one. Use checklists as reminders for units of work that should be completed before the work order is closed. Unlike tasks, checklists do not need to be completed to close a work order.
•Purchase Order tab – If a PO is part of this work order, it displays under this tab. POs can be part of work orders of type Break/Fix, Customer Request, or Scheduled Maintenance.
•Facilities Assets / Vendor / Invoices / Shipment tabs – Link to items that may be relevant to this work order.
•Work Order Financials tab – A cost item is a specific line item within an order. New cost items added here will also display in the ITFM Cost Item workspace; they're used to compile data on all associated costs. The ITFM Cost Item workspace is viewable only by user roles in Ivanti Neurons for ITSM.
Click New from price list item to add an item directly from the established price list, or you can click New ITFM Cost Item to create a new cost item to associate with this record.
•External Task tab – An external task is a task that is acted upon by an outside organization, usually with whom you have a contract for services. Link to an existing task or create a new one for this record. Any external task created here will also display in the External Task workspace, which is only viewable by user roles in Ivanti Neurons for ITSM.
•Activity History tab – A history of the email and notes associated with this record. You can also link to relevant emails associated with other work orders. To add a new email or note, click the New drop-down, and select New Email or New Notes:
•For email – Some of the fields auto-fill. Fill in others as needed; most are self-explanatory. For Category, you'll most likely select Outgoing Email. Processed is enabled by default—leave as is. If enabled, click Publish to Web to make this email a visible part of the record in the Self Service Portal. Add Attachments if needed, and include a Message. Click Save to send the email and store it under the tab.
•For notes – The Category is the note type, such as customer follow-up, general memo, and so on. Source is the source that initiated this activity, such as a call, email, and so on. Duration (Min) is the amount of time you spent on the activity. Click Publish to Self Service to make this note a visible part of the record in the Self Service Portal. Also include a title Summary and detailed Notes. Click Save to store the note under the tab.
•Audit History tab – Automatically tracks any changes made to key attributes of this record.
•Workflow Instance tab – Lists any workflows associated with this record, such as status progression.
•Escalation Watch tab – An escalation occurs when a request's response time exceeds a defined period of time. At that point, the escalation clock starts, which updates the Resolution Target progress bar and activates this tab. The application sends notifications to the task owner and team. It's up to the owner and team manager to take appropriate action based on such notifications.
This tab shows the results of each phase of an escalation, including the amount of time spent in a certain state, date, and time of escalation, and total running time.
For work orders of type Scheduled Maintenance:
If you go back into the record once it's saved, you'll notice two other tabs that display:
Scheduled Maintenance tab – Link to facility maintenance jobs that should occur on an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly schedule. Create these jobs in the Schedule Entry workspace and use them as reminders for necessary ongoing maintenance that's part of a work order.
Child Work Orders tab – Create or link to a child work order that's part of a parent order. Create child orders based on the duration of the parent order schedule. For example, if the parent order is for monthly maintenance for 2 months, create two child orders, one for each month of the schedule. All linked child orders must be closed before you can close the parent order.