With this method, you can:
- Find and display information about your managed machines
- Delete managed machines
- Assign a credential to a machine
- Update a machine
Base URL
Supported Requests
Method | URL | Input | Return |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/machines/{machineId} |
Success code |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/machines |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/machines/{machineId} |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/machines/{machineId} |
Success code |
https://<consoleFQDN:port>/st/console/api/v1.0/machines/{machineId}/credentials |
Success code |
Input Models

Name | Type | Description |
count |
Integer |
Provide the count of items to return. The default is 10 and the maximum value is 1000. |
domain |
String |
Returns the items whose domain matches the specified domain. |
ipAddress |
IPAddress |
Returns the items whose IP matches the specified IP address. |
name |
String |
Returns the items whose name matches the specified name. |
start |
Integer |
Sets the starting point. The items are sorted by their unique identifier and the starting point is the index into that sorted list. |

Name | Type | Description |
assetTag |
String |
The machine's asset tag. |
assignedGroup |
String |
The machine's assigned machine group. |
connectionMethod |
Enum |
Specifies the method used to connect to the machine. Valid values are:
custom1 |
String |
User-defined value. |
custom2 |
String |
User-defined value. |
custom3 |
String |
User-defined value. |
customerName |
String |
User-defined value. |
description |
String |
User-defined description of the machine. |
location |
String |
The physical location of the machine. |
machineCriticality |
Enum |
The criticality of the machine. Values are None, Critical, High, Medium, Low, Ignore. |
patchDrivePath |
String |
The drive where patches are to be deployed to on this machine. (Full path.) |
rdpPort |
Integer |
The TCP/IP port for Remote Desktop Protocol access. |
If you explicitly set a parameter in the request body, the machine properties are updated to that value.
If a parameter is omitted from the request, the previous value persists.
If a parameter is explicitly set to "" in the JSON request body, the field is updated to null.

Name | Required? | Type | Default Value | Description |
credentialId |
No |
Guid |
None |
The unique identifier of the credential that will be assigned to the machine. If this parameter is excluded, any existing credential will be removed. |
Example with Sample Response
Find the machine with IP address
GET Request
Sample Response
"count": 1,
"links": {
"next": {
"href": ""
"value": [
"consoleName": "sample-console-name",
"dnsName": "",
"domain": "example",
"id": 1,
"ipAddress": "",
"links": {
"self": {
"href": ""
"name": "sample-machine-name",
"assignedGroup": "My Machine"
Other Request Examples

DELETE Request

GET Request

GET Request

GET Request

GET Request

PUT Request

PUT Request

PATCH Request
"assetTag": "ExampleAssetTag",
"assignedGroup": "Machine Group",
"location": "New Brighton",
"connectionMethod": "IPAddress",
"machineCriticality": "Critical",
"custom1": "A value I set myself",
"custom2": "A value I set myself",
"custom3": "A value I set myself",
"customerName": "John Doe",
"description": "My free text description",
"patchDrivePath": "C:\"
"rdpPort": 3121,
If you explicitly set a parameter in the request body, the machine properties are updated to that value.
If a parameter is omitted from the request, the previous value persists.
If a parameter is explicitly set to "" in the JSON request body, the field is updated to null.
Output Models
Name | Type | Description |
agentVersion |
Version |
The version of the Agent if one is installed, null if no Agent is installed. |
architecture |
Enum |
The machine architecture. Valid values are: null, Unknown, x86, or x64. |
assetTag |
String |
The machine's asset tag. |
assignedGroup |
String |
The group that the machine is assigned to within Machine View and Scan View. |
connectionMethod |
Enum |
Specifies the method used to connect to the machine. Valid values are:
consoleName |
String |
The console name. |
credentialId |
Guid |
The ID of the credential that is assigned to the machine. |
custom1 |
String |
User-defined value. |
custom2 |
String |
User-defined value. |
custom3 |
String |
User-defined value. |
customerName |
String |
User-defined customer name value. |
description |
String |
User-defined description of the machine. |
distribution |
String |
The platform distribution. |
dnsName |
String |
The DNS name. |
domain |
String |
The domain name. |
id |
Int32 |
The machine ID. |
installedPatchCount |
Int32 |
The number of patches that were found to be installed on the machine. |
ipAddress |
IPAddress |
The IP address of the machine. |
lastAgentCheckInDate |
DateTime |
The latest date and time that an agent checked in for this machine. If no agent is installed, null is returned. |
latestAssetScanDate |
DateTime |
The UTC date and time at which the last asset scan occurred. If no scan has been run against a machine, null is returned. |
latestAssetScanId |
Int32 |
The ID of the last asset scan performed on this machine. If no scan has been run against the machine, null is returned. |
latestAssetScanTemplateId |
Guid |
The UID of the template used in the last asset scan performed on this machine. If no scan has been run against a machine, null is returned. |
latestPatchScanDate |
DateTime |
The UTC date and time at which the last patch scan occurred. If no scan has been run against a machine, null is returned. |
latestPatchScanId |
Guid |
The UID of the last patch scan performed on this machine. If no scan has been run against the machine, null is returned. |
latestPatchScanTemplateId |
Guid |
The UID of the template used in last patch scan performed on this machine. If no scan has been run against a machine, null is returned. |
links |
Links |
Shows the related URLs for the machine. |
location |
String |
The physical location of this machine. |
machineCriticality |
Enum |
The criticality of the machine. |
missingPatchCount |
Int32 |
The number of patches found to be missing on the machine. |
missingProductLevelCount |
Int32 |
The number of product levels found to be missing on the machine. |
name |
String |
The machine name. |
osEndOfLife |
DateTime |
The end of life date for the installed OS. If no end of life date is found, null is returned. |
osLanguageId |
Int32 |
The culture and region of the operating system installed on the machine. |
osName |
String |
The name of the operating system running on the machine. |
osType |
Enum |
The operating system type. |
patchDefinition |
Version |
The Assessment Catalog data version from the latest patch scan. |
patchDrivePath |
String |
The drive in which patches are to be deployed to on this machine. |
platformVersion |
String |
The platform version. |
rdpPort |
Int32 |
The TCP/IP port for Remote Desktop Protocol access. |
reportedAgentPolicy |
String |
The actual reported policy governing the agent installed on the machine. If no agent is installed, null is returned. |
usingLatestPolicy |
Boolean |
Denotes if this machine is using the latest policy. If no agent is installed, null is returned. |
virtualMachinePath |
String |
The virtual machine path. If the machine is not a hosted virtual machine, null is returned. |
virtualServer |
String |
The virtual server. If the machine is not a hosted virtual machine, null is returned. |