SonarCloud Connector Guide

Summary: How to set up and use the SonarCloud connector in RiskSense.


SonarCloud is a cloud-based code quality and security service. SonarCloud operates as a static code analyzer that discovers security and quality issues in source code by interacting directly with the repositories.

RiskSense provides an API-based connector that integrates with SonarCloud, enabling customers to bring their SAST findings. This connector allows customers to gain visibility into their overall risk due to vulnerabilities in their source code and enable a simpler, more efficient way to manage those vulnerabilities.

User Prerequisites/SonarCloud Setup

SonarCloud is a cloud-based solution. RiskSense requires a user account with the following access to communicate with and pull data from SonarCloud.

  • Read access to scan results and their associated issues.

  • API access.

SonarCloud Connector API Calls

The following API calls are performed during a connector run to pull security vulnerabilities from SonarCloud into RiskSense.

API Type



Fetch List of Projects Keys

Fetch Analysis Date for Each Project

Fetch the list of Directories for Each Project

Fetch the List of Issues for Each Directory

Fetch the List of Rules for the Organization

Fetching the SonarCloud User Token

First, log in to your SonarCloud instance with the designated user account. Navigate to My Account > Security. Enter the token name and click the Generate button.

SonarCloud Connector - Generate User Token

Copy the user token, as it is only displayed once. Use this token for API authentication.

Steps to Fetch the Organization Key

In addition to the user token, the RiskSense connector also needs the SonarCloud Organization Key. This acts as a key indicator for pulling all the associated projects within it.

First, navigate to the My Organizations menu option.

SonarCloud Connector - My Organizations Location

Copy the Organization Key.

SonarCloud Connector - Organization Key Location

Configuring the SonarCloud Connector in RiskSense

Navigate to the Automate > Integrations page.

Navigation - Automation - Integrations

Using the search bar in the upper-right corner of the Integrations page, type SonarCloud to find the connector.

SonarCloud Connector - Search for Connector

Locate the SonarCloud card on the page and click Configuration.

SonarCloud Connector - Configuration Button Location

In the new window under Connection, complete the required fields, as described below.

  • Name: The connector’s name.

  • URL: The URL to access SonarCloud instance (

  • User Token: User Token retrieved from SonarCloud. Refer to the steps in this section to obtain the User Token.

  • Organization Key:  Refer to the steps in this section to obtain the Organization Key.

  • SSL: Optional instance SSL certificate in base64 format.

SonarCloud Connector - Connector Window

Click the Test Credentials button to ensure the credentials are correct and have the necessary access to make SonarCloud API calls.

SonarCloud Connector - Test Credentials

Under Schedule, you can configure the desired schedule for the connector to retrieve results from the SonarCloud instance and optionally select the Oldest Scan Data Pull configuration.

The Oldest Scan Data Pull dropdown provides users the flexibility to pull the oldest reports from the last 30, 60, 90, 180 days, and 1 year.

SonarCloud Connector - Connector Schedule

Under Connector Specific Options, select the required options from the list.

Users have the option to ingest the selected SonarCloud findings. RiskSense can ingest more than one finding type.

  • Projects: Clicking the All Projects radio button allows the user to pull all projects under the organization. To pull specific projects, click the Select Projects radio button. Once selected, RiskSense makes a dynamic call to SonarCloud to fetch all associated projects. Users can select more than one project, as well.

  • Ingest Findings: The user can ingest selected findings from SonarCloud. More than one type of finding can also be ingested at once.

SonarCloud Connector - Connector Specific Options

Users can optionally turn on Enable auto URBA (Update Remediation by Assessment).

On marking the Create Assets that do not have vulnerabilities options, RiskSense will create applications with zero findings. This option will be selected by default, and the user can opt to turn it off.

Click the Save button to save the connector’s configuration and create the connector. Once saved, the connector is now visible on the Integrations page under Currently Configured Integrations.

SonarCloud Connector - Connector Card

Clicking the History button displays the connector details for each pull. The Sync button allows users to perform on-demand sync. The Edit button allows the user to edit the connector configuration. The Delete button allows the user to delete the connector.

Once files have been processed on the Uploads page, view the ingested data by navigating to the Applications and Application Findings pages.

Mapping SonarCloud fields in RiskSense

This table showcases the high-level mapping of SonarCloud fields in RiskSense.

RiskSense Fields

SonarCloud Fields

Scanner Severity

rules -> severity

Normalized Severity

The SonarCloud Severity scale: Blocker, Critical, Major, Minor, and Info.

RiskSense converts this Severity scale into a scale from 0-10 using specific logic. Please contact RiskSense Support for more information.

Scanner Plugin

rules -> key

Application Name


Plugin Source Status

issues -> status

RiskSense Tags

The following fields from SonarCloud are converted into RiskSense tags. Use these tags for searching, playbook automation, and better visualization in RiskSense Dashboards.

  • Organization: This tag name is prefixed with the field name to ease the searching process.

  • SysTags

  • Tags

  • Resolution

Common Fields in RiskSense

The following fields in RiskSense are defined for SonarCloud, along with their default values.

  • The Scanner Name will be SONARCLOUD.

  • The Finding Type will be SAST.

Vulnerability Date Information in RiskSense

Within RiskSense, you will notice several dates on the Findings page. When importing SonarCloud data, RiskSense uses the following criteria to populate these date fields.

  • Discovered On is the Issue Created time in SonarCloud.

  • Last Found On is when the Issue Last updated in SonarCloud.