Upcoming Feature - Workflow Enhancements
Summary: High-level overview of the upcoming workflow enhancements. Updated 8/20/2020.
The upcoming workflow enhancements expand RiskSense’s workflow usability to reflect current usage and desired capabilities from customer interviews and feature requests. This project updates the four workflow types: Severity Change, False Positive, Remediation and Risk Acceptance.
Workflow Enhancement Goals
Roll out a new card view design with several updates and improvements.
Enhance the feature using customer-sourced use cases, pain points, and challenges.
Continue to build on market-differentiating features that RiskSense users have come to rely on.
Adjust the menus to accommodate this new view and align things from feedback in easier-to-find locations.
Provide an easier-to-use and more functional feature.
Sample Customer Use Cases and Pain Points
I need the ability to see what is about to expire so I can properly prepare for them.
I really want the ability to easily find items that have expired in the platform.
Can I have the ability to see the impact of a risk acceptance request in terms of assets, findings, and/or RCE/PE?
How can RiskSense make it easy to ensure that performing an operation on 7,000 findings is something that can be approved/rejected/reworked together by the appropriate person and tracked easily?
As a heavy user of your workflow system, I find it difficult to manage the approval and rejection of items since they are not grouped based on the request.
Once I receive an email about an expiration and I login to the platform, I have no way to search for those expired items.
It is critical to my organization that I quickly and easily understandwhat each data ingestion (upload/connector) that manipulates findings (reworks/remediates) has done regarding my vulnerabilities for review in my Monday morning Ops meeting.
When I am rejecting/reworking a workflow, I really need to see the information from the request so that I can easily input the correct reason for my action.
New Workflow Features
Name workflows for easier understanding and identification of workflows.
View all workflow history, even after they expire or are rejected.
Perform bulk workflow actions that are quick and easy for the approver to evaluate and approve together.
Easily approve workflows from various users with little to no extra work involved to find and identify them.
Have more information available when performing approve/reject/rework actions on workflows.
Allow multiple workflows to be associated with a finding.
New workflows page allows for easy consumption of the actions all users are taking on your vulnerability data.
Easily find upcoming workflow expirations.
Easily find expired workflows.
Easily referenceable, system-generated workflow identifiers aid external system references such as documentation, emails, text messages, exports, and metric reporting.
See the impact of a workflow in terms of assets and findings.
Easily identify workflows upon receipt of expiration email.
Find and track exactly what any upload or API integrationhas done in terms of reworking (opening) findings.
Find and track exactly what any upload or API integration has done in terms of closing
Easily add to an existing workflow.
Easily copy any workflow.
Updated look and feel for pop-ups for a better user experience.
Changes to the Requester/Approver Process
Add items to a previously submitted workflow easily.
Copy a workflow easily to quickly perform actions that previously required a lot of manual work to recreate a previous workflow.
Workflow approvals now done from a redesigned, easy to use Workflow page that shows workflows in a quick, understandable view.
Workflow actions are easy for each workflow request regardless of the finding count, with no searching required.
More information is now available while performing approve/reject/rework workflow actions.
Removal of filters previously used for the old workflow system (State & Severity Change State) on the findings pages. Six new filters will be available.
Workflows now have a new page to search, filter, and identify in one easy place.
System generated IDs for workflows now available for easy tracking and filtering.
E.g., RA#0003401, FP#0004275
Workflow titles allow users to easily express the purpose of a workflow.
E.g., “Java Update Patching Exception”
New easy-to-use filters are available for various workflows properties from both the workflows and findings pages.
E.g., “Workflow Type”, “Workflow Expiration Date”, etc.
Creating a workflow from the findings page has a redesigned menu with far less options that is easier to use.