Sharing User Widgets
Summary: A detailed guide for managing User widgets.
As with custom dashboards, you can also share User widgets. Other users can add shared widgets to their custom dashboards. You can filter user widgets by their shared status within the widget gallery.
Sharing and Unsharing Widgets
Your private dashboards can contain a mixture of both private and shared widgets. Shared dashboards can only contain shared widgets. If you add a private widget to a dashboard and then share the dashboard, the system automatically converts the private widget to a shared widget for you.
If you unshare widget, any shared dashboard (including your own) will show a placeholder for the widget. You will also see the same message if you delete a widget.
Managing Widgets
The IAM privilege Widget Modify allows you to create, share, and delete your own widgets. If you have the IAM privilege Widget Control (part of the Administrator and Data Manager roles), you can unshare another user’s shared widgets.