Version 14.18.00 Release Notes

Summary: A high-level overview of the changes/updates included in Ivanti Neurons Version 14.18.00, released on July 12, 2024.

The platform version 14.18.00 update includes the following features and enhancements:

For assistance with using our new features, receiving feature documentation, and/or scheduling training, please contact your Customer Success account manager directly or contact Ivanti support.

List View Enhancements

Group By added for PolicyCompliance: Test Status - On the Host Findings page, users can now pivot findings by the PolicyCompliance: Test Status field. This allows users to get an overall view of Pass, Fail, and Warn statuses for the Policy Compliance results.


Tenable Security Compliance - This new API-based integration will now use Tenable’s latest Security Compliance endpoints to pull a greater level of detail than the previous report-based connector. Existing Tenable Security Compliance users who are already connected with the report-based connector will be able to seamlessly switch to this new connector without losing any asset or finding fidelity. Tenable has worked directly with Ivanti to certify this new connector to ensure that the asset and finding data is pulled from the most accurate sources. Assets and findings ingested with the new connector will include many new scanner-specific fields that can assist users with better understanding Tenable Security Center findings.

Automation Enhancements

Delete Collection - Users can now delete collections. Auto-ticketing for the finding collection must be disabled before an user can delete the collection. When deleted, the definition of the collection, its ticket generation settings, and the collection view are deleted from the platform. Any existing tickets generated by the collection are still associated with the findings.

Fixed Issues

  • snakeyaml versions impacted by CVE-2022-41854 have been updated in Ivanti Neurons for Vulnerability Knowledge Base to match the NVD.
  • Asset merges will now be limited to one page of assets. This limitation ensures that each asset can be reviewed by the user before they submit the job.

  • For the findings from Tenable Vulnerability Management, the field “Scanner Reported Severity” will now show the expected values Critical, High, Medium, Low, or Info in lieu of numbers.

  • Assets with the network loopback address will now be reported as Internal by default.

  • The platform will now correctly report CrowdStrike FalconSpotlight findings as closed.

  • When the platform adds its own filters to the list view (initiated by user actions such as clicking a column in a Group By), the platform will automatically remove duplicate filters from the Advanced Filter list.

  • The “Create Connector” form will no longer display a “HIDDEN” tag.

  • In the Group History and Group RS3 Change notification, the Group RS3 score will be reported as capped at 549 by an open PoE with RS3 Impact if the score is capped in other parts of the platform.

  • Users can now change the titles of KPIs with the term “RCE/PE“ in them. However, any title used as a replacement cannot contain the “/” character.

Known Issues

  • The “Delete Collection” option only becomes accessible when at least one ticket has been generated for the collection. (This option is only accessible in the Findings Collection view.)