Outbound reports
Using the Report window, you can specify which existing Crystal Report you want to generate and send with outbound e-mail. If you want to send a report of the process status, use AutoEmailReport.rpt.
For information about creating a Crystal Report, see the Crystal Reports documentation.
For information about using Crystal Reports from within Service Desk or Asset Manager, including adding, deleting, viewing, exporting, searching for specific words and e-mailing reports, see Crystal Reports.
You can choose to either embed the report, or attach it to the e-mail. You can configure only one outbound report for each process.
To send a report with outbound e-mail:
- From the Administration shortcut group, start Mail.
- In the E-mail Setup tree, click the Reports folder, then in the Actions list, click New Report.
The Report page appears. - Type a Title, then select the required Process, and if required Template.
- In the Outbound Report group box, select the Crystal Reports option button.
- Click Find to browse for the relevant Crystal Report.
- In the Report to Mail Association group box, click Embedded to place the report inside the main body of the outbound e-mail, or click Attached to attach the report to the e-mail as a separate document.
- Click