Console Extender

Console Extender is a Data Analytics tool for Ivanti® Management Suite that enables you to customize the right-click (context) menu of devices appearing in either the Management Suite network view or the Data Analytics Asset Control view. Console Extender provides a convenient way of customizing right-click menus instead of the more time-consuming method of editing a device's registry.

Console Extender ships with a number of pre-built menu options that automatically appear on the right-click menus of devices in either the Asset Control view or the network view. You can edit these options as needed.

About the Console Extender view

When you open Console Extender view, a pane appears across the bottom of the Management Suite console. This pane consists of a tree structure that lists various folders.

Getting started

Using Console Extender is simple—expand either the Asset Control or Management Suite folder, create a command, and set its parameters. Depending on which folder you select, the command will appear as an option on the right-click menu of devices found in either the Asset Control view or Management Suite's network view.

To edit a command, select it in the tree list. The command parameters will appear to the right. Edit them and click the Save button.

Asset Control

When creating a new right-click menu option for devices in Asset Control, you must specify which devices the option will be associated with. Do this by creating a query that limits the scope of the command.

Management Suite

Any right-click menu options that you create for the network view are global, appearing for all devices in inventory. You can also organize menu options into groups. The Console Extender option settings are stored in the core server's registry at:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Managed Planet\Console Extender\Plugins