B2B connector wizards

Each vendor, or B2B connector, has slightly different requirements for configuring rules to retrieve data from their websites. For more information about B2B connectors, see B2B connectors overview

In many cases, you may have report files supplied by vendors not appearing in the B2B connectors list. For any of these .CSV, .XLS, or .XLSX files that you want to import, use the Universal B2B import wizard.

The B2B connector rules rely on vendor websites to import data. On occasion, a vendor may change their website, preventing the rule from working correctly. If this occurs, contact Ivanti to ensure that the rule functionality is updated via a content patch.

You may also find that a vendor has added a Captcha key, which prevents a B2B connector rule from accessing the vendor's website. In this case, contact the vendor directly.

Expand the B2B connector name below for more information about using the wizard:

Universal B2B import wizard

Use this wizard to create a rule that imports report-file data from vendors not appearing in the B2B connectors list. Files must have a .CSV, .XLS, or .XLSX extension to be imported into the inventory database.

You can accomplish tasks related to the universal B2B import rule by using the various right-click menus.

When you first create a universal B2B import rule, you'll see a dialog that asks if you want to upload your anonymous data (vendor SKUs, part numbers, and so on) to an Ivanti web service.

Click Yes to ensure that the universal B2B import will function efficiently. Unknown items will be uploaded to the web service and processed. If you run the rule again, any items that have been mapped will then be downloaded. If you click No, you will need to do this exception handling yourself.