Map data wizard

You can use a map data rule to manipulate data in a variety of ways, such as copying a database attribute from one place to another. Data Analytics ships with a large number of these rules by default. However, you may want to copy and then modify them to gather additional or customized data.

You'll commonly use map data rules for actions related to standardization. A good example of this is the Standardize Serial Number rule, which installs with Data Analytics. Because hardware manufacturers haven't standardized a location in the BIOS where the system serial number is stored, it could be in one of several locations in inventory. This rule searches seven different areas in inventory and then copies the serial number to a standardized location. By having one consistent location for serial numbers, you can more easily link your inventory data to other data sources as well.

You can also use map data rules to search for a value in one field to populate another field with more useful data. For example, many organizations start their device names with several characters representing the office where the device is located. It's possible to analyze the characters and then populate another field with the name of the actual office location.

Open the wizard by right-clicking Map data in the DTS tree and selecting New rule. Enter a unique name and description for this rule, then select the database where the rule will store the data it gathers. On the continuing pages, enter the following information: