Software-license importing overview

You can use the Software License Import folder in the DTS tree view to configure and organize rules that import software license data into the Management Suite software license monitoring (SLM) console.

You can accomplish several tasks related to importing software licenses by accessing the right-click menus for this folder.

Importing software licenses

Importing software licenses can be difficult, especially from an external source. You must accurately match up a license with a licensed software product. A report file containing license data from a manufacturer or a website (obtained using a B2B connector rule) may look very different from one coming from another source.

You also need a "key" that correctly links each inventory record to a product. Because CDW might call a product “ADB CS 6 MC,” and En Pointe might call the same product “Adobe Creative Suite Master Collection 6,” it's best practice to ensure that the license import file contains the manufacturer part number as a key. This way, the manufacturer is recognized consistently.

When importing software licenses, DTS uses a look-up table to map the manufacturer part number to a licensed software product. Many part numbers are included in this table, and more are added each time the Ivanti content update service publishes updates to Data Analytics. On occasion, you may need to update the look-up table manually with part numbers that don't already exist.

For more information, see Software-license import wizard

Updating the software license look-up table

If the software license look-up table needs to be updated after you run a license import, you'll receive the message “Product is not defined for row xyz.” This message means the product was not defined in the look-up table, and you must add it.

If you want to see which product values are already defined in the table, right-click the Software License Import folder and select Delete software license lookup entry. The list that appears will show all of the look-up values currently defined.

If your organization has stopped using a software product and license information is no longer needed, you can also delete a value from the look-up table.

Assigning computer groups to limit the scope of a software license

You can use computer groups to limit the scope of a software license. These are groups that you've already defined in the database using Management Suite's software license monitoring (SLM) tool. For example, if you want a particular license to apply only to computers in a New York office, you can do so by creating a query and then using a computer group to reference it.

Similar to the mappings in the software look-up table, DTS needs to know how to map the name that represents the computer group in the license import file to the actual computer group you've defined in the database. The names do not have to be the same; you just need to set up a mapping.