Copy certificate/private key files among core servers
An alternative to deploying certificates (<hash>.0) to devices is to copy certificate/private key sets among cores. Cores can contain multiple certificate/private key files. As long as a device can authenticate with one of the keys on a core, it can communicate with that core.
NOTE: When using certificate-based remote control, target devices must be in the core database
If you're using certificate-based remote control security with devices, you can only remote control devices that have an inventory record in the core database that you're connected to. Before contacting a node to launch remote control, the core looks in the database to ensure the requesting party has the right to view the device. If the device isn't in the database, the core denied the request.
To copy a certificate/private key set from once core server to another
- At the source core server, go to the \Program Files\LANDesk\Shared Files\Keys folder.
- Copy the source server's <keyname>.key, <keyname>.crt, and <hash>.0 files to a floppy disk or other secure place.
- At the destination core server, copy the files from the source core server to the same folder (\Program Files\LANDesk\Shared Files\Keys). The keys take effect immediately.
Care should be taken to make sure that the private key <keyname>.key is not compromised. The core server uses this file to authenticate devices, and any computer with the <keyname>.key file can perform remote executions and file transfer to a Endpoint Manager device.