Viewing task scheduler status charts

In the Scheduled tasks tool (Tools > Distribution > Scheduled Tasks), click the root Scheduled tasks tree item to view scheduled task charts, which provide information on many items, such as:

  • Task summary: Configurable by days or hours. Administrators can see all tasks, scoped by owner, starter, or otherwise.
  • Summary: Administrators can see all tasks, scoped by owner, starter, or otherwise.
  • Tasks by type: Shows tasks by type (such as policy-supported push, policy, or push). Administrators can see all tasks, scoped by owner, starter, or otherwise.
  • Stale tasks: Configurable by days or hours. Shows tasks with devices that haven’t responded.
  • Top failure codes: Shows top seven failure codes.
  • Task failures by stage: Shows failure counts by task stage, such as initiated, starting, downloading, or installing.
  • Client state: Shows client state across tasks, such as in progress, downloading, or installing.
  • Top task owners: Shows the top seven task owners.
  • Top task by scoped user: Shows the top seven task starters.
  • Tasks by component: Shows the task counts for Endpoint Manager components, such as Antivirus, Change settings, Installer, Patch, Provisioning, Reboot, Software Distribution, or Unknown.

For users that aren't console administrators, all charts are scoped by owner, starter, or the device. Scope doesn't apply to charts for the top task owners or top tasks by scoped user.

Each chart has a toolbar that enables you to do the following:

  • Refresh the chart data
  • Copy the chart to the clipboard as an image
  • Print the chart
  • Change the chart view between pie and bar types
  • Edit the properties, if possible, for that chart
To add other task scheduler
  1. Right-click the root Scheduled tasks tree item, and click Add charts to dashboard.
  2. Select the additional charts you want to display.
  3. Click OK.

Viewing devices and status in task scheduler charts

In the Scheduled tasks tool, click the root Scheduled tasks item to view the charts. When you double-click a bar or pie slice in a chart, you can get additional information on devices inside the item you clicked. All charts have one of two drill-down options: failures or status. Devices in the drill-down view have the same right-click menu options that you get in the Network View. Additionally, when you select a device in the drill-down view, you can use the toolbar to access these features:

  • Real-time discovery: Discovers the device's fully-qualified domain name, IP and MAC address, and the Endpoint Manager device ID.
  • Remote event viewer: Launches the Windows Event Viewer locally with data from the selected device.
  • Remote file system: Launches the windows file explorer and shows the device's C$ share.