Viewing a device's inventory change log

When the inventory scanner runs it creates a delta file containing changes from the last scan. The scanner sends this delta file to the core server. The scanner also uses this delta file to create a change log on each managed device. The change log is in XML format and is stored on the managed device in the LDCLient\Data\changeslog.xml file (2022 and older), or EPM Agent\Inventory\Data\changeslog.xml (2024 and newer).

The change log stays on the device. If you want to see it, you'll need to remote into the device to access the changesog.xml file directly.

By default the changes log stores 90 days of data. You can change this in the inventory agent settings.

To change the logged data period
  1. Click Tools > Configuration > Agent Settings.
  2. Under Inventory settings, double-click the inventory setting you want to change.
  3. Click Scanner settings, and set the Change history storage (days) option to the value you want.
  4. Click Save.

The changes log stores this information:

  • Last hardware scan date
  • Memory - Physical - Bytes available
  • Memory - Page file - Available
  • Last software scan date
  • OS - NT info - Last boot up time
  • OS - Last start up time
  • Processor - Speed
  • Scheduled task - Last run
  • Scheduled task - Next run
  • Mass storage - Logical drive - Available storage
  • OS - Drivers and services - Service*

Here's a sample logged change:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>


<changes timestamp="2014-04-30T09:43:08-7:00">

<change timestamp="2014-04-30T09:43:08-7:00" bnf="Network - TCPIP - Subnet Mask" oldvalue="" newvalue=""/>

