Schedule a provisioning task

To schedule a provisioning task
  1. In the OS provisioning tool, select a template from one of the Provisioning templates folders.
  2. Click the Schedule template toolbar button.

    The Scheduled tasks tool opens with a task for the provisioning template.
  3. In the network view, select the devices to which you will deploy the provisioning task. Drag the devices to the Scheduled tasks tool and drop them on the provisioning task.
  4. Right-click the provisioning task and select Properties. Select a schedule option and click Save.

When you click Schedule template, a task is created: it has no targeted devices and is unscheduled. If you don't add target devices or schedule the task, be aware that the task remains in the task list until you schedule or delete it.

In the Scheduled tasks tool, tasks are grouped in the following folders:

  • My tasks: Tasks that you have scheduled. Only you and Endpoint Manager administrative users can see these tasks.
  • Public tasks: Tasks that users have marked public. Anyone who schedules a task from this category will become the owner of that task. The task remains in the Public tasks folder and will also be visible in the User tasks group for that user.
  • All tasks: Both your tasks and tasks marked public.
  • User tasks (Endpoint Manager administrative users only): All tasks users have created.

User notifications when a task is running

When a provisioning task is running on a device and the provisioning actions include a reboot, the task continues to run after the device reboots. The user is prompted to log in after the reboot, and when the login is complete, a status message reports on the progress of the task.

If the user is not logged in when the provisioning task begins, the task runs without user input. If there is a reboot action, the task will continue to run without the user logging in.

If the user logs in to the device while the provisioning task is in process, a status message reports that a task is in process and gives the progress of the task. Note that status messages are updated only between actions. If a task is working on a long action, such as installing a large application, it may appear that the progress bar is not moving. However, when the action is completed, the status will be updated.

Restarting failed provisioning actions

Provisioning tasks appear in the Scheduled tasks window (Tools > Distribution > Scheduled tasks) and you can view the task history there, along with task status, such as successful or failed.

In version 2022 SU3 and newer, there are three ways to restart failed provisioning tasks in the Scheduled tasks window. Older versions allow only the Re-run task on selected target option. For devices under Failed:

  • Right-click and select Retry selected failed machines. This option reruns all actions in the template from the beginning.
  • Right-click and select Provisioning > Restart task from last required action failure. This option calculates the last required action failure in the template and then asks for confirmation to restart from that action.
  • Right-click and select Provisioning > Provisioning history for this task. This option shows all template actions. Right-click the action you want to restart at and select Re-start this template from this action. A dialog box then asks for confirmation to restart from that action. This option is only supported in the System migration and System configuration sections.